Chapter 6 - Pressure and Response

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The next concept I have incorporated is the ebb and flow of External Pressure that the main character feels and the Internal Response the main character choses, expresses, or develops.

The External Pressure can be used to represent discouragement inthe ability to fulfill the Theme and the Internal Response canshow the encouragement. It has helped me beyond measure to think of every Momentin the story as an initial External Pressure or force followed by the InternalResponse of the Hero. At the beginning of the story most of theevents are External or impersonal to the Hero, but as the Storyprogresses things get more personal and Internal.

 At the beginning of the story most of theevents are External or impersonal to the Hero, but as the Storyprogresses things get more personal and Internal

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Another topic related to External Pressure and Internal Response is demonstrated at every level of the story structure. The Thesis and Antithesis parts of an Act, Sequence, Scene, Segment, etc. are generally External while the Hypothesis and Synthesis parts are generally Internal.

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