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I immediately rolled my eyes when i saw his face. I mean sure he was dreamy and all but seriously how could a man be so bitchy? Especially how he treated other women like shit.

I continued dancing with Olivia — completely ignoring his presence. I snapped out of my deep thoughts and continued swaying my hips to the rhythm of the music.

"Hey, imma use the bathroom" Olivia muttered in my ear. I said I would wait for her, and stood there right next to the bar. My eyes quickly came into contact with his.

There was a girl on his lap, a blonde one. Brunettes are way better anyways.

I realized I was staring for way too long and he was now walking towards me. Shit, shit, shit.
"Did you enjoy the show, amore?" He said with a stupid smirk plastered across his face. God I just wanted to smack that pathetic smirk off his face. "To be honest.. no. I could do a better job than whatever it was that whore did"

His eyes went from the bottom of my feet to my chest.

"My eyes are up here you know?" I chuckled.

"Feisty aren't we?" He smiles and orders a drink of Vodka. "Actually give me two" he immediately says to the bartender after realizing what he had said before. I grew in confusion on who the other drink was for. "Who's the other drink for? Wannabe Barbie?" My eyes went to the blonde. He laughed. "Don't be Jealous, Lia. I got it for you, Princesse" he hands me the drink.

"Don't call me that"

I snatched the drink and threw my head back as I rapidly swallowed it. "Having a tough night?" He chuckles. "What the fuck do you want, Damien?" I slapped my palms into the counter of the bar. He starts laughing. "Someone's angry, just wanted to see how my old friend was doing" he gave me a wink. "Stop the fucking act dipshit. Might as well get another whore while you're at it because it sure as hell isn't gonna be me"

I turned away and walked into the girls bathroom wondering what was taking Olivia so long.

And that's when I heard it. Moans.

Was this bitch serious?

I immediately walk out and ignore Damien's contact. I walk out of the club when I then feel someone's hand wrap around my wrist. I grabbed the knife that was wrapped around my thighs and quickly turn around. The knife was pressed into this random person's neck. And as I look up it was him, again. I sigh. "My fucking god you made my assassin instincts kick in" I say as I put my knife back into where it previously was.

"I actually thought you were gonna do it, what stopped you?" He says with a hint of annoyance coming out of his mouth.

I rolled my eyes. "Why can't you leave me alone? Was was that blonde girl not pleasure enough for you?" I stepped forward. "Now that you mention it, no. I knew that your mouth would taste so much better" he now steps forward.

Could this guy be anymore annoying?

"You don't know what the fuck you just started, Damien." I responded.

"Then let's find out shall we?"

" Oh we will, fuck you Damien De La Cour" I said to him letting him see the emotion I had on my face, which right now, it was anger. "Come on, Princesse. Let's go back into the club, drink something, have some fun, you know for the sake of myself. "Well if it's for the sake of that then I couldn't care less. You're an asshole. Go fuck yourself " He grabbed me by the waist and looked down at me from his tall structure, Then whispered something into my ear.

"Come on amore, be a good girl and come back inside with me. I don't bite, only in bed" he then stepped away and led me inside. I would usually put up a fight. But today was not the day, plus I was in desperate need of some fun, even if it was with this jackass.

We walked inside the club and headed toward the bar. I finally sit down and turn towards him, just a little. He sat down on the bar chair looking straight down at my boobs. I was giving him a perfect view of them.

𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒆𝒏 𝑫𝒆 𝑳𝒂 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒓

I chuckled knowing I had in front of me the finest girl at the club that everyone wished to have gives me a full display of her perfect structured boobs. I wanted to fuck her, go down on her while licking every part of that goddess body of hers. But she wasn't interested. She was harder to get to fall on my knees than every other girl I had ever met, and that killed and bothered me more than anything and I didn't know why.

I just wanted to fuck her, it was the only thing on my mind right now, I wanted to fuck her once, or maybe more than once. Only that and I would go back to my other whores. But out of all the women I had met before, she had caught my eye the most. But she showed no interest in me. And that shit killed me.

Handing her the tequila shots I had ordered I leaned forward and whispered into her ear.

" Let's go elsewhere where there aren't so many people interrupting us, amore. "

She chuckled showing off her perfect teeth. She was perfect.

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