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As I ran off to find Olivia, I heard a bunch of gun shots firing. I was desperate. I was desperate to see if something happened to my best friend. Olivia can't take care of herself, or at least not in situations like these. That girl was all about hookups.

I checked every single bathroom in the club, but still couldn't find her. I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to her especially on her birthday. "Come on, come on" I quietly muttered to myself.

As soon as I went up to the main floor I could hear footsteps creeping up behind me. I quickly grabbed the knife that was hidden in my inner thigh. I could see this mysterious guy from the mirrors that were surrounding me. He was getting close to the door I was quietly hiding in.

Right when he banged on the door, I jumped on top of him and stabbed him in the stomach. He grabbed my hair as he pushed me off of him. I fell on the floor as I saw blood rapidly coming out of him. "You fucking bitch!" He screamed as he went to grab something from his pockets. "Well you're about to get killed by a bitch" I calmly say back to him between breaths.

He pulled out a gun from his pockets but I quickly got up and hit him right in the spot I stabbed him in. He grunted as he fell back. I straddled him as I put my knife in his neck. "Bye bye" I whispered in his ear as my knife went through his skin. I could hear his bones cracking. As soon as I saw blood dripping down his mouth I heard a gun shot. again.

And a scream. Olivias scream.

I got off of this random guy and I saw a mark, but It was unclear due to the fact I had his blood splattered all over my face. I wiped my face; trying to get the blood off of me but I didn't have enough time. I quickly ran to the main floor as I saw bunch of bodies dropped unconscious on the floor. They we're all dead.

Right when I was about to call Olivias cell phone: I made eye contact with a girl trying to crawl all the way to the exit. She had blood all over her blonde hair. "P-Please help me.." she begged whilst making eye contact with me. She looked familiar. Then I remembered — she was the bitch who was straddling Damien's  lap right in front of me. I rolled my eyes and I walked towards her. "Don't worry, I'll make all the pain stop" I whispered to her ear. "Let's hope you end up in heaven.." I sarcastically said and grabbed the gun that the mysterious guy had.

Her eyes filled with fear and I pulled the trigger. I smile. "Talia!" I hear a scream coming from behind me. Olivia walked towards me with blood all over her dress. No, no, no. This wasn't supposed to happen. She fell on the floor as I ran toward her and grabbed her. Blood was coming out of her right shoulder.

"Stay with me, Olivia. Don't worry" I begged her to stay. She was the only one I had left. "You have to get up. Noel is already on his way" I said to her as I tried to grab her body off the ground. Noel barged into the club doors. He looked around until he finally made eye contact with me. "P-Please help" I said as a tear came out of my eyes.

He quickly came running towards me. "We have to get you somewhere safe, Talia" he said as I shaked my head. "No, get Olivia, She is going to die!" I ordered him. "But ma'am-" I cut him off mid sentence. "This is your fucking job and if you don't follow my orders I have plenty of time to kill you right now" I say to him as he quickly nodded and carried Olivias body off of the ground.

I stood there. Blood all over my face and hands. Olivias blood on my hands. I don't know who did this but all I knew was that I wasn't going down without a fight. They tried to kill the only family I had left. And that meant war.


𝟑 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓

Three hours had passed since the attack at the club. Noel had already taken Olivia to my Manor just like I ordered him to. I did feel bad for screaming at him due to the fact he was trying to protect me but I needed Olivia safe, and I had to stay at the club to find anything that could be helpful to find the fuckers that attacked my club and most importantly my best friend on her birthday. Did they not know who they were messing with?

I had already collected a couple of things that could help if my staff ran some tests on them, they were amazing at investigating, but complete and utter ass at following orders trying to protect me sometimes. I had found a gun left behind, a company card, and many other stuff. Fucking dumbasses. I wanted to get back home already and check on Olivia before I took a warm shower. I had already found everything I needed and Noel was already outside waiting for me to finish.

I opened the two giant entrance doors and locked up the club, then immediately went straight to my car eager to get home and wash all this blood from several human beings off me. But I couldn't stop thinking about Damien for some reason, how these fuckers interrupted our time together after over a year of not seeing each other. I washed off the thoughts in my head and told Noel to head straight home, no stops.


It was a long drive from the club to the manor. approximately 2 hours from here to there and from there to here. We were now 20 minutes away and I was still stressing over thoughts trapped in my mind. Olivia informed Noel to ask me if we could get her some cupcakes from her favorite cupcake place on the way home. I love her, but no. Not today. We had chefs at the manor for a reason.

20 minutes later we were finally stepping at the manor's entrance, i felt relief course through my veins at the thought of finally seeing my best friend and getting something to eat whilst relaxing in my tub. Noel opened the manor's doors for me after going through all the security and finally I quickly stepped inside and headed straight for the Nurses room to see if I could finally be in peace.

Olivia was laying on the hospital bed inside the manor still passed out from all that happened today. Her bullet wound stitched with a patch covering it so she got no infections. I was relieved to see that she was safe and sound and getting professionally taken care of by some of the best doctors in Italy. I stepped out of the room she was in and headed up to mines eager to pamper up for tonight.

I looked at myself in the clear glass mirror in front of me taking off all my makeup before I headed for the shower. I put my hair up into a bun and unstrapped my dress myself, then finally I was in the shower treating myself after a long day, with my favorite epson salts.

I was now thinking of him. The fucker that left me heartbroken for months, I don't know why I was thinking of that piece of shit but I was. What I wanted more than anything right now was for him to be with me in this tub, giving me the love and safety I felt a year ago. This was nor the place or time to be thinking about this but I was. I was thinking of finishing what we started at that club. Him inside me, pleasing me. But I didn't know when I was gonna see him again and that hurt me. Then suddenly I heard it. I heard someone knock on the front door. I wanted more than anything for  it to be him.

But was it him?

THIS CHAPTER TOOK SO LONG. I really hope you guys enjoyed it!!🤍 Stay tuned for the next episode, I promise you won't regret it. Thank you for the love and support!!! Almost 300 in like 3 or 4 days.


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