Chapter One: New Beginnings

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The sun had set three hours ago, and I could feel my eyes getting heavy with exhaustion. After twenty hours of driving and only a few hours of sleep in the back seat of my beat-up 1998 Honda Accord, I was beginning to believe I would never make it to Colorado. At this point, I didn't care what condition the motel was in; I was just desperate for a hot shower, an actual bed, and some shut-eye.

Relief flooded through me as I passed a sign reading Clear Water exit 395. Putting more weight on the gas pedal, I accelerated, hoping to get there faster. The Honda protested loudly — as it hurtled down the interstate. There were very few vehicles on the road, which wasn't surprising since I was basically in the middle of nowhere.

Seclusion is what I needed, a place that few people ever visited, a town no one even knew existed. In my situation, I couldn't afford to be picky because that could get me killed. No, I couldn't afford to be picky, but I did have to be smart. I would start at my new school on Monday, under a new name and a different appearance.

Hope blossomed in my chest at the thought of being able to start a new life for myself. It wouldn't be easy. With only a few thousand in savings and a small bag of belongings, I would have to make do. After all, people survived off of much less, and anything would be better than living with him.

After taking the exit off the interstate and into the small community of Clear Water, I drove around until I spotted a run-down-looking Motel 6. Affordability outweighed the fact that it looked sketchy as hell.

Finding a spot in the almost empty parking lot, I turned off my car and gathered my purse, then reached into the back seat to grab my grey duffle bag. Before getting out, I did a quick survey of my surroundings. It had become a habit after years of living in rough neighborhoods.

The entrance to the motel office was on my left and only a few feet away. A hefty-looking man with balding red hair stood smoking a cigarette. He was far enough away that I wouldn't have to acknowledge his presence. Quickly I stepped out and manually locked the car door before entering the office.

The warm air of the office felt thick with the smell of cigarette smoke. I spared the room a quick glance, while making my way to the woman at the desk, cringing when she smacked the glob of gum in her mouth. Her heavily lined eyes gave me a once-over while she twirled a blonde dreadlock between her fingers. She didn't bother to sit up straight or greet me as I arrived in front of her so I awkwardly cleared my throat.

"Um, I need a room for the night — non-smoking," I added as an afterthought.

She rolled her eyes and continued to smack her gum.

"Thirty-five dollars," she said with an outstretched hand.

Quickly digging in my wallet, I pulled out the cash and handed it to her.

Taking the money, she handed me a key and waved me off.

"Thanks, sunshine" I grumbled lowly.

My room was on the second floor and conveniently close to where I was already parked. The sounds of arguing couples and televisions filled the night. A drunk man catcalled me from the street down below,  I ignored him while trying to appear confident and unphased. In reality, my heart raced, and my muscles tensed.

I hated being around drunk men.

For a second time that night, when I opened my motel room door, I was greeted by the smell of cigarette smoke.

"So much for a non-smoking room," I mumbled.

Sighing, I placed my things on the bed and went into the bathroom to have a hot shower. At least the bed looked clean.

Entering the bathroom, it was challenging to recognize the girl reflected in the mirror. My once waist-length, light brown hair was dyed so dark it appeared almost black; and now rested just below my shoulder blades. My baggy black sweatshirt hid my short petite frame. Looking away from the mirror, I slipped off my light ripped jeans and sweatshirt and started the water for a much-needed shower.

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