Chapter Seven: Mysteries of Blood Moon

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The week had gone by quickly, and before I knew it, the final bell signaled that it was the weekend.

Currently, Luca and I were driving in my car on our way to his house, where we were going to meet up with the rest of his small group of friends who had quickly become mine as well. We were all in the same English class, and the five of us had made plans to work on our re-enactment of Romeo and Juliet.

Luca had said we could all spend the night at his house since his brother had been gone all week, and he didn't expect him to return anytime soon. I was just grateful that I wouldn't have to spend the night in my car.

For the last four days, I had been crashing in the school parking lot at night and sneaking in to use the gym showers before students and staff arrived each day. It wasn't ideal, but in a few weeks, I will have enough savings and money from my job to rent a cheap apartment.

Luca, Rachel, Chase, and Lily all lived in the gated community Nan had mentioned to me.

Luca was still the easy-going, slightly carefree guy I had met my first day. We had become close friends in the short span of a week, and it felt as if I had known him my whole life.

Luca was undeniably handsome, and although our personalities clicked, and we could have been more than friends, I felt like he had taken on the role of a brother or cousin. It amazed me how many people at school put him on a pedestal. Even the teachers seemed to let him get away with anything he wanted. The thing I liked most about Luca was even though he was the most popular guy at the school — he wouldn't rub it in your face or talk down to anyone.

Rachel was a beautiful redhead with perfect porcelain skin and a classic red-headed temper. In the week that I had known her, she threw more sass than anyone I had ever met and could set you straight in seconds. I found her strong personality and beauty intimidating, but I did enjoy her no-bullshit demeanor.

Chase was your typical player and captain of almost every sports team at Clear Water High. He liked to flirt relentlessly with every girl at school, except for Lily, his twin sister. His dark curly hair, tan complexion, deep brown eyes, and confident personality made him quite the charmer.

Lily was the exact copy of her twin brother in looks but couldn't be more different in personality. She was quiet, observant, and probably the kindest person I had ever met. Besides Luca, I felt the most at ease around her.

I had only made a small group of friends so far, but once Luca had yelled at everyone in the cafeteria for staring at me, the students became more accepting and friendly. The only time I had had a chance to try and make some friends of my own was in art class.

Art was the only class I had alone as Luca, Rachel, Chase, and Lily had gym. The majority of the school was freakishly athletic, and I was grateful I didn't have to challenge any of them on the sports field. I didn't consider myself short, but next to the kids at Clear Water High, I qualified as a dwarf getting me trampled within seconds of any sport.

I looked over at Luca's tall frame, hunched in the passenger seat of my car, and chuckled.

"You know you can push the seat back if you want."

"I tried, but I think the lever thingy broke — is this thing even safe to be driving," he said skeptically. He grabbed hold of the door handle in mock terror.

I gasped.

"Quiet! You might hurt her feelings! Plus, you were more than welcome to drive with Chase, or better yet, buy a vehicle."

"I think I'll take my chances with this deathtrap than with Chase's driving, and for your information, I own a vehicle, thank you very much!"

"If you say so," I teased back.

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