Chapter Six: First Day

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Although the school was small, it loomed over me as I approached the front door. I felt the questioning gaze of others as they whispered and followed my path to the school. I hated when people stared at me, but who knows when the last time Clear Water High had a new student.

Focusing my gaze on the front door, I forced myself not to bolt to it. Luckily, I opened the door just as the bell rang, avoiding having to enter with the others. I panicked slightly as I still had to find the office and my first class. Why did I have to waste so much time thinking in my car?

Thankfully, up ahead was a sign pointing to the office. Behind the office sign, a large mural of a beautiful black wolf covered the wall. I hadn't realized I had stopped to stare until someone bumped into me.

"Way to go, dude, almost took the little human out." A dark-haired guy laughed at the tall blonde who had bumped into me.

The blonde guy picked up the ball he must have been trying to catch when he backed into me. I recognized him as the guy who had come running into the diner on Saturday.

Smiling, he said, "sorry, I didn't see you there." He glanced at me and then at the mural I had stopped to admire. "Intense isn't it; the big bad Alpha."

"It's beautiful," I whispered. I wanted to reach out and run my fingers along the wall but didn't.

I turned to look at the blonde-haired, brown-eyed boy beside me. His tall frame towered over my 5'6 one.

He extended his tan arm, exposing the lean muscle of his biceps, "I'm Luca Sorrento."

He smirked at me, and I realized I had been staring.

"I'm Is— Savannah," I caught myself and shook his outstretched hand.

"So you're new here?" He asked as he followed me into the office.

"Yeah. I moved here last week," I replied.

"Oh cool, from where? What brings you to Clear Water?"

"I'm from Denver." I lied while avoiding his other question entirely.

"A big city girl, hey?" He teases. "did your folks force you to move?"

"It's just me, my mom and dad passed away a while ago," I told him. I wasn't sure why but I felt like I could share that information with him, so I did.

A look of understanding crossed his features, "my parents have also died. It's just my older brother and me now. It sucks, doesn't it?"

I gave him a weak attempt at a smile, and he squeezed my shoulder gently.

"What are you kids doing in the halls?" A plump little lady with graying hair frowned up at them.

"Hi Mrs. Stone, I was just showing Savannah here to the office," Luca responded casually.

Mrs. Stone narrowed her eyes and looked between us as if we had been planning to hookup in the hallway. "Hurry along then!"

We followed her into the office, and I quickly got my schedule. We learned that I have the same schedule as Luca, except when he has gym class, I have art.

Luca seemed pleased that we had the same classes and showed me the way to our first period, which was English.

"We're learning Shakespeare right now," he said. "Mrs. M, our English teacher, made us get into groups and is going to assign us parts of the play that we are supposed to act out in front of the class. We have three weeks to put our spin on it." He rolled his eyes. "It's a lame project, but I'm sure you can be in my group."

"That would be great! As long as your group members don't mind."

"Nah, they love fresh meat." He shot me a mischievous grin, and I started to laugh.

"Lucky me."

A door slammed open, and a voice snapped, "What are you two doing lurking in the halls!"

For the second time that morning, they were being scolded. Like the last time, Luca jumped to their rescue.

"This is Savannah, the new girl."

"It's a good courtesy to arrive on time for your first-day young lady. If I were in my right mind, I would be giving you both detention. Now get in here before I do!"

As we hurried into the classroom, Luca whispered in my ear. "Looks like you're a bad influence on me."

I scoffed and whispered back, "somehow, I find that hard to believe."

We both took a seat at the front of the class while Mrs. M continued her lecture; I was grateful she didn't feel the need to introduce me.


Hang in there, we're getting closer to meeting Damian and I can't wait!

Any polite and contrastive feedback is welcome, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the story so far.

Happy reading <3

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