Chapter Five: Monday Memories

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The weekend had gone by quickly after I finished exploring the town. The exhaustion from traveling had caught up to me, so I decided to take the entire day on Sunday to rest in my motel room. I spent my time staring at the TV while my mind wandered to thoughts about my new school.

Would I make any friends? Is it even smart of me to try? Or would it jeopardize my secret?

I decided that if I ever wanted to make a life for myself, it would never happen if I chose to isolate from the world. I would ensure my true identity remained a secret, but I would still try to have fun. After all, life is too short.


So, here I am, driving to my new high school while dressed in the cutest outfit I owned — black leggings, a white top, and a Jean jacket.

Yup, I was a real fashionista. However, since I'm living out of a duffel bag, my options are limited.

I have been trying hard not to think about anything and focus on driving, but as I approached the school, my heart hammered hard in my chest, and my palms became sweaty.

At my past schools, I had never had many friends. Maybe a few people here and there that I would eat lunch with, but nothing real or concrete. I tended to fly under the radar, never being bullied but not being the first choice either. School had always been my escape from the unpredictability of being a foster kid — so I didn't need popularity to enjoy it.

My anxiety only increased as I saw students mingling in the parking lot and on the football field.

According to Nan, only four hundred students attended Clear Water High — which consisted of grades nine through twelve. I would be in my Senior year with a graduating class of eighty-two students. A massive change compared to my previous school in Raleigh, North Carolina, where two-thousand students attended.

I never thought I would ever live in a town the size of my old high school.

I decided to park as far from the school as possible to prevent stealing someone's spot. Also, I had little trust in high-school drivers, and I won't risk having my car hit by some idiot showing off to his friends.


There were still thirty minutes before the warning bell at eight o'clock. So, I took the time to survey my surroundings and think about how I had ended up in this town.

I thought back to how it all started that night after I had shot Gavin and was waiting for my new foster placement with Officer Maxwell.After the kind lady had left, I had spent a short ten minutes waiting for the Maxwell man. I was nervous about being alone with a man after what had happened, and when he did arrive, his serious nature did little to ease my fears.

"Come with me," he had said.

I followed him out to his BMW and followed his instructions to get in the front seat.

We drove in silence to his home, where a beautiful young woman in her early thirties was waiting. She had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Her hands rested on her swollen belly, which looked ready to burst.

"You must be Isabella," she had said as we approached her. "My name is Missy. Why don't you follow me into the kitchen, and I'll get you some dinner."

Her kind mannerism put me at ease, and when Officer Maxwell gave Missy a loving kiss on her forehead and then knelt to kiss the baby bump. I remember myself relaxing and thinking, this would be a safe home.

We had sat around the dinner table in silence until Officer Maxwell spoke up.

"Isabella, there is something I need to discuss with you. I'm afraid it isn't good news either."

My heart plummeted into my stomach, and my body went cold as he continued to talk.

"My sister and I were once foster children in Gavin's home. I know exactly what he has put you through." He swallowed hard, and Missy placed her hand on his.

"My little sister didn't survive that home. I let her down, and I'm not going to let the same thing happen to you."

I hadn't known what to say at the moment, so I was grateful when he continued.

"Gavin and those men are dangerous and reckless; they're a bigger group than the police force realizes. Gavin was their leader, and now that he is dead, they'll want revenge."

My heart was pounding so hard I had thought it might burst out of my chest.

I was surprised when I was able to speak without my voice trembling. "Why don't you tell the other officers about them then?"

"It's much more complicated than that, and I wish I could, but I have my family to consider. I can't risk anything happening to Missy or our daughter."

"I'm sorry I'm confused. What exactly are you getting at?" I had asked.

"What I'm saying is, you aren't safe in this city. The police can't protect you from these men. No one can. You need to leave, create a new life for yourself and tell no one who you are."

I felt like crying. What was even happening right now?

Missy spoke while reaching across the table and looking into my eyes with such fieriness I wanted to look away.

"Isabella, I can only imagine how confused and scared you must feel right now. We can't give you all the information you need to hear, but you must trust us. The only chance you have at surviving Gavin's men is if you run as far and as fast as possible. Please, you need to trust us."

I had found myself trusting the beautiful lady in front of me, so I nodded my head.

Gavin let out a relieved sigh.

"I'm so sorry this is happening to you, Isabella. When you're ready, Missy will help you cut and dye your hair, alright?" He stood, then finished saying, "I will head to Gavin's house and gather your belongings." Nodding a quick goodbye, he left the room.

That night, Missy dyed and cut my hair. I took a long shower, and when I had finished, Officer Maxwell was waiting for me in the living room. He provided me with a new driver's license, social security, and passport — all under the name of Savannah Lee.

"Where am I supposed to go?" I asked, in too much shock to say much more.

"Clear Water, Colorado. Gavin's men wouldn't dare to enter that territory; the last time they did —" Maxwell stopped what he was about to say and instead said, "you'll be safest there."

He passed me a map and a set of keys, "you can take the Honda Civic; I have papers saying it's in your new name. I have asked one of the men I trust to send a transcript to the high school. It's up to you if you choose to attend, and I encourage you not to give up on your life."

So despite being confused and terrified, I left; and the Maxwells told the police force I had runaway.

Now, I sat in front of my new school, less than a week later, with only a few minutes until the warning bell sounded. Wondering how my life had been thrown of course in such a short amount of time.


I hope the flashbacks in this chapter weren't confusing. I know the book is off to a slow start but things will begin to pick up soon!

Thanks for reading <3

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