Chapter Twelve: Warrants and More

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Rachel's squeals and the sound of water splashing filled the night. Chase, Lily, and Rachel had decided to go for a night swim while Luca went off with Damian and Chelsea. What they were doing in the middle of the forest in the dark of night was beyond me, but I had other things on my mind. So I didn't spend much time questioning what they were doing.

My eyes held the dancing flames captive, and the heat of the fire in front of me warmed my face as my thoughts drifted.

I thought of what Luca had said in the car on the ride up here. "They're offering one hundred thousand dollars." I had suspected that the police might issue a statement or a warrant for my arrest. After all, I did flee after killing a man, but I never expected Gavin's friends to put a price on my head.

Warrants for arrests went out a lot, and many people don't think twice about them. Money — people are always looking for ways to make more.

What if Officer Maxwell or his wife changed their minds? What if Maxwell's friend who made my transcript changed his mind?

I felt nauseated again, and my body felt cold despite the heat from the fire, something that often happened when my anxiety was increasing.

Was Office Maxwell right? Would I be safe in this town? Something was different about Clear Water, especially the Blood Moon neighborhood, but why would it stop Gavin's men from coming for me.

I began to think about all the strange things that people have said. I thought about how Damian has been called Alpha by more than just Chase. Even though Rachel claimed it was a joke between Chase and the small group of friends. That didn't explain why when Chase and Chelsea had addressed Damian as Alpha, saying it with respect and not mockery.

I liked Damian, Luca, and everyone else I had met. I even found Chelsea and all her nosy questions enjoyable. As much as I did like them, I couldn't ignore the feeling in my gut that something wasn't right, that something wasn't normal. After years in foster care and being on my own, I have learned to trust my intuition, it has kept me alive in the past, and I wouldn't ignore it now.

For a small moment, my imagination went wild, and I wondered if they were even human. I thought about how I was the only one struggling in the dark, even though I had perfect vision. I listened to the laughter coming from the lake and imagined that the water had to be near freezing since it was the beginning of October and we were high in the mountains. Yet, I hadn't heard anyone complain or comment on the temperature. Maybe it was northern toughness.

Then I thought about the big reason my mind was racing a thousand miles a minute with the not-human idea. Hadn't Lily said something about Damian "never hurting a human?" It wasn't the first time either. Now that I think about it, on the first day of school, Luca ran into me, and a dark-haired boy had said, "you almost took the little human out."

At the time, I thought he was referring to me being short or something, but I wasn't so sure now.

I let myself think about the idea, and then I brushed it off, feeling a little foolish for even considering it.

If anything, everyone was in a weird werewolf fan cult or something, and as long as they weren't dangerous, I guess, I would let them live their lives.

Then my thoughts were back to Damian like they've been all day. His dark hair, tanned skin, and toned body. I've never seen a man so beautiful in my entire life. I recalled his warm touch on the back of my neck, how he had cupped my hand gently even with all the blood. I could feel the way my body felt, lightly pressed against his. Heat flooded my body at the memory. I never wanted it to end, but I had stepped away because of how he made me feel. It was consuming and addicting, and I have never felt anything like it in my entire life.

A branch snapped, making me jump. My head whipped in the direction of the noise, and there he stood even more, handsome and mysterious in the flicker of the firelight.


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