1 ~ Between Worlds

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On the outside always looking in

Will I ever be more than I've always been?

Cause I'm tap-tap-tapping on the glass

I'm waving through a window.

~ lyrics from "Waving through a Window" from Dear Evan Hansen ~

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~ lyrics from "Waving through a Window" from Dear Evan Hansen ~

~around twenty two years before the events of 'Prophecy'~

He hated being a spirit. It was akin to a constant pain, stabbing him whenever he had to witness something he'd rather not. At first seeing those things just made him uncomfortable, but as time wore on, so did the pain. In fact, if it were up to him, he wouldn't be witnessing any of Harumi's life at all.

     When he'd first realized he had become a spirit, it seemed as if he were the embodiment of peace. There was no injustice in the world that could bring about anger; there was no tragedy that could bring sorrow to his heart. He'd been wistful, of course, that he'd had to leave life behind. But he'd also been the one to make the decision to die, so that brought him consolation.

     Then she had appeared and changed his view of everything.

     "Your time has not yet come." Mika had smiled, echoing the words of the demons in the Departed Realm. With those words his mind expanded and he understood.

     He hated that he understood.

     He hated that destiny had chosen him for this—no, he hated that he had brought this upon himself.

     He didn't regret it, that was for sure. The decision to tether himself to the wind was wise; it would always connect him to Harumi. He could watch out for her and be there through her every high and low. Whenever the dormant transference kicked in, and the elemental power of wind passed down to her child, he would be there to watch over them as well. He was a guardian angel, a spirit of light and guidance. He just... didn't expect it to hurt so much.

     Harumi was a mess. She didn't even try to recover after hearing about his death. He stood by her bedside, watching her slip further and further into grief. That was when the peace had first started to slip away. Every time he wondered if she was thinking about him under that layer of unconsciousness, he instantly knew exactly what she was dreaming about. He tried to walk away from it—he couldn't bear seeing her like this—but something magical held him back. He was tethered to her, quite literally.

     "...why is it that if it could happen again... I'd do the same thing over and over? Even knowing what would come next... I would still die for you. Does that make me a terrible person?" Harumi whispered to Lloyd's sleeping from, breaking the spirit out of his stupor.

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