~ Q & A ~

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It's that time of book again. Time for some fun questions for y'all to help me improve my writing in the future. 

Ze Questionz

1. What was your favorite oneshot?

2. Are there any characters you'd wished had gotten a oneshot?

3. Was there anything you didn't like about the oneshots? If so, what didn't you like?

4. Any headcanons/predictions for "By the Hand of a Thief"?


Next week (August 22, 2022), I will be posting the Author's Note to Book 3 of the Departed quartet. It's called "By the Hand of a Thief", and will center around the life of Storm Lightning. It was a whirlwind to write and I'm really excited to show it to you all. Sadly, that is where my good news ends. 

     For those of you who read my chapters as I publish them, I am sorry to announce that I will be taking a hiatus from Wattpad for a while after the Author's Note goes up (I will make an announcement to explain). To be brief, my school year starts soon. This semester is more critical than ever. It's essential that I put my focus into my grades first. I will still be visiting Wattpad to reply to comments, however, I probably won't have time for chapter updates. I will make sure to announce whenever I do post/come back from the hiatus. Thank you all for your understanding. 

     "When Our Stars Align" was a great journey to write and publish, and I am thankful every day that you all have taken time out of your days to read it. Stay miraculous everyone. <3


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