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In daegu-----:
Byul and lisa were gone to solve the case which seokjin told them to handle and when byul and lisa saw a small hut they went inside pulling their guns out and walked straight but they found no one their but as soon as they walked inside it from a window Byul saw a guy walking into a small room and she immediately said this to lisa and lisa shouted loudly but byul stopped her and told her to keep shut and follow her when both of them reached the small room they saw jungkook and yoongi dealing with someone........

In small room:-
Boss,they are here..(one of taehyung's man said)
And then taehyung turned around to see jungkook and yoongi...
Taehyung: jk and yoongs, you both remember me right?
Jungkook: of course..
Yoongi:of course, we remember you in these past few years,along with those who deal drugs have become good friends,we here your name every two or three days...
Jungkook: we're very familiar with you
Taehyung: okay lets stop this and come to point why are you here,and how is boss our namjooniee...
After discussions between them
Taehyung: I will hand over the list of names of all league members,you can clear the house however you like,I don't care ...i guarantee
Jungkook and yoongi: okay then will inform this to namjoon....

At seoul police department:
As they all here the news of mr.lee is dead everyone was blaming namjoon for this
But seokjin was telling yuji that he doesn't believe that namjoon must be behind that but after sometimes he was reading mr.lee case file and he saw something which made him think that namjoon can be behind all this.....And then he rushes to find namjoon...

After some while:--
At hotel,
Namjoon was having tea...
Seokjin:are you by yourself ttodWhat's wrong? Aren't you already used to the fact that i will show up?
Namjoon:I would like to change the sit..
Seokjin:what's the problem, we can drink together na..
Namjoon:officer,what can I help you person Seokjin:the person that took out mr.lee was you right?
Namjoon:Regarding the issue about mr.lee I have already given my statement to other police,I also gave the details of my whereabouts that evening,I don't have to repeat myself..
And as namjoon said that he left that place without paying
And seokjin had to pay for the tea....

At house..
Namjoon misses his dad,and talk to the photo of his father saying,that person has finally arrived,what happened 3 years ago I'll personally take revenge for you

At busan,
Jimin was in his bar named pentagon and a maid made a mistake and as he was about to  push her back someone caught his hand....
Who dared to hold my hand...yahhhh

Who might that be...lets read it on next chapter

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