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The pop of a roaring train echoed through the now empty halls of River Valley High School. A place of learning was now a bloodbath. Highschool students huddled in the corner of their rooms. None of them were certain of what was to happen next.

Towards the back of the school was the old band room. Since the school made budget cuts, those classrooms were abandoned. Sitting in one of the empty rooms was the school's brightest star of academics.

"Please..." The lone student hugged his knees close to his chest while his dark hair fell over his teary eyes. He was clutching onto a pair of rusty scissors in his hands. The thought of an active shooter never crossed his mind.

Surrounding him were four walls of ripped up wallpaper and graffiti. Most students only went into the room to smoke a cigarette. The classroom was supposed to be remodeled but no one knew why it was stopped. Cans of paint and brushes sat upon a sheet spread out on the floor. The windows had a dim light shining through them. Most of them were covered with cloth to avoid any unnecessary lookers.

"Where are you...?" The boy's mind was racing with so many thoughts, it felt like his head would explode.

The sound of footsteps faintly coming towards the classroom caught his attention. There was nowhere left for him to run to. He watched in horror as the footsteps stopped right in front of the classroom door.

The faint still light under the door now had shadows peeking through it. The squeaking door knob slowly turned until the spring popped. There was a sickening feeling of despair welling deep inside his stomach. The wide wooden door opened gently as if someone was intentionally trying to stay quiet.

"Jin..." A head of light brown hair peeped in through the doorway. "Are you in here..?"

The lone student named Jin lifted his head to see his boyfriend. A glimmer of hope became apparent in his eyes. Namjoon was right in front of him, safe and untouched.

"I'm so glad you're safe... A student just walked into the gym and started open firing." Namjoon held the frightened boy in his arms. To calm his lover, he stroked the back of Jin's head.

"Why would someone do such a horrible thing? " Jin couldn't understand how someone could just take a life.

There was no response from Namjoon. He was too focused on listening to his surroundings. The next move they make will determine if they live or die.

" I'm sorry that today sucks so much. But here's a way to make it better." Namjoon turned around and placed his backpack on the ground.

"It's not much..." In Namjoon's hands was a small box that was poorly wrapped up with colorful wrapping paper.

" Maybe now isn't a good time." Jin was touched by the idea of receiving a present. "You know with this whole thing going on." He placed both his hands on Namjoon.

"I know. But let me do this for you." Namjoon took Jins hands then placed them with his palms facing the air.

" Fine. Just please keep an eye out." Jin was taken aback by Namjoon being so determined.

He then carefully opened the box so as to not spill any of its components. Inside was a glass bottle that was the size of a toddlers hand.

"Listen. Inside that bottle is my wish..." Namjoon's cheeks were turning red.

Being romantic was a challenge for him. But it was Jin's 18th birthday. To make the day have more meaning, it was Valentine's day.

"I had a really hard time picking out something for you." Namjoon spoke out loud while avoiding Jin's gaze.

Amor's Last Wish |Namjin| |Taekook|Where stories live. Discover now