Chapter 2

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"Hmm.. So just like this." Jungkook read from the cookbook. The next step was to roll out the dough.

He was attempting to make cookies for a third time... today. J - Hope's private lessons in baking gave him hope to improve his skills. Except each and every attempt only ended in failure. To the struggling baker, committing arson didn't sound so bad right about now.

Jungkook's hands firmly grasped the rolling pin as it slowly rolled over the cookie dough. "Nggh.." he cried.

So far everything seemed to go according to plan. That was until he was met with resistance from his own creation. It wasn't flattened enough to make the appropriate form that was needed.

"Ugh! This is nonsense. You will flatten nicely so I can make cookies!" he scolded towards his dough.

His anger was now starting to reach a boiling point. Using his bare hands to readjust the dough only delayed the inevitable.

"I need you to cooperate so I can impress J - Hope! HOW DARE YOU DEFY ME!" Jungkook screamed then threw his dough into the air.

When the blob of dough landed back onto the countertop. Flour was thrown into the air causing a puff of smoke. It entered into his lungs causing him to cough aggressively.

He then ran and opened up his window to air out the smoke. After the smoke subsided all that was left was his current foe.

"Stupid thing", he mumbled now with his, "whatever happens, happens" attitude.

"Alright do me a favor and just bake. Please." he begged with optimism.

Jungkook opened up the pre baked oven that now breathed out hot air. Then he slid the pan of cookies onto the bottom level. Maybe this time he will succeed.

'Knock Knock'

"J - Hope must be at the door." he thought to himself.

Using a clean dishcloth, he wiped off his dirty hands. Then walked over to the door and opened it.

"Morning- damn! What happened here?" J - Hope recoiled from the toxic air that assaulted his nose. The amount of dust particles in the air was hard to ignore.

"Nothing." Jungkook coldly replied. He refused to acknowledge his defeat in baking.

"Okay." J - Hope was trying to hold back a laugh.

"I tried..." Honestly, Jungkook just wanted to show J - Hope how hard he's been working.

J - Hope sniffed the air once more and caught a whiff of smoke.

"Something's burning." he warned his oblivious friend then pushed his way through.

The two of them followed the smell to a smoke cloud starting to seep through the oven's cracks. "How many times do I have to warn you about this?" J - Hope yelled.

Jungkook quickly turned off the oven and slipped on the oven mitt. While doing this, J - Hope was fanning the smoke that came flooding out of the oven. Both of them inhaled a slight amount of smoke and coughed up a lung.

"You never cease to *cough* disappoint me. How did you manage to burn something so simple?" The unimpressed asian asked while examining the half burnt cookies.

J - Hope saw that his comment may have been a bit harsh. "Well, they can't be that bad..."

He searched, then found the least burnt cookie and tasted it.

Jungkook watched his friend with hope that the cookie still tasted okay. With disgust J - Hope immediately spat out the cookie.

"Why- are they so. Salty! Water- you fool." muttered J - Hope as he was grabbing at his dried out throat.

Amor's Last Wish |Namjin| |Taekook|Where stories live. Discover now