Chapter 6

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"I'm your best friend, right? " Suga asked Jin, unsure of the answer.

"Of course."Jin replied while never removing his sight off his book.

The classroom the two boys were in was completely void of any other students. The perfect setting for a private conversation between two friends.

"Best friends never keep secrets from each other. Is there something you want to tell me?" Suga asked an open ended question.

"Not that I know of." was Jin's response. He decided to not place down his book just yet. It was in Sugas nature to ask an open ended question. Although his tone and pose was out of the ordinary for him.

"Jin. Don't lie to me. I've known you for years and even then there are some things I wouldn't dare ask about." Suga frustratingly confronted his friend.

"Just spit it out already. You know that I hate when you play these kinds of games." Jin snarled while placing down his book.

" I've seen you both together in secrecy. Are you replacing me?!" Suga childishly asked his question.

Jin sighed and held Suga's face gently. "No, how could I replace you? You're just too busy poking your nose into my own affairs. Try to pass a test before seeing what I'm doing." He then flicked the boys forehead.

"Ow!" Suga yelled then regained his composure. "First off I'm not that nosy. But now I have another question for you. Are the two of you together." The last question being a whisper.

"Yes..." was Jin's response. He had never lied to Suga. His word was the only thing he has to his name.

Suga tightened his hand into a fist. "Why didn't you come to me about this? I'm your best friend." He was trying his best to not get overwhelmed by his emotions.

" It's not that easy to tell anyone. Not even I fully understand my own feelings." Jin responded in a monotone voice

" I honestly don't care! But that's not the issue. You can't date someone like him." Suga started to let his own feelings sink through the cracks.

"What do you mean by that?" Jin coldly responded while he adjusted his position.

"He's not exactly liked in this school. He beats people up, spreads rumors and never shows up for classes. He's just low life scum." Suga aggressively went off on a tangent insulting the delinquent student. This was in hopes of possibly changing his friends mind.

" Don't talk about things you know nothing about." Jin responded then got up from his seat. He refused to speak another word to stop a fight from occurring.

"Where are you going? I'm not done talking!" Suga was shocked and flustered to see how his friend responded.

Jin turned back then said, "I will not sit here and let you insult the person I love."

Suga grabbed Jin by the wrist then pinned him against the wall. "Why him? When I've always been by your side... Wouldn't be better if it were me?" His voice was wavering and started to strain.

" Suga, I never knew you felt that way about me..." Jin turned his head down from guilt. He never knew that his own best friend was in love with him.

" I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I think I need some time to process all of this." Jin didn't know how to face his friend anymore. He never knew how much he was hurting him.

"Answer me one question then. If you really do love him, would you die for him?"


"Ah! Ha. Hah." Jungkook's body jerked upward from his intense dream. His body was shaking and he couldn't stop crying.

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