Chapter 8

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" Excuse me, sorry." Jungkook slid through the row of students to sit next to Jimin and MIa. When he sat next to the duo neither of them dared to say a word.

A moment of silence passed.

" Alright, I'll bite. What was it like?" Mia decided to be the brave one to address the elephant in the room. Jimin shifted his head to Jungkook, wanting to hear the details as well.

"We just kissed." Jungkook answered while blushing at the memory of what just occurred. Taehyung's scent still lingered in his mind despite them being apart at the moment.

" You two didn't just kiss. It looked like you two were sloppy and aggressive." Jimin commented while examining his friend more closely. " You even got some dried up drool right here." he pointed out while handing out a wet wipe from his cross-bag.

"S-shut up. It was my first kiss!" Jungkook cried out with embarrassment. He took the wet wipe and cleaned his lower face off.

"You know, I'm pretty sure "he" hasn't kissed anyone before. Many of my own friends threw themselves at him. But no one has ever succeeded as far as i know." Mia spoke then smiled softly with approval.

"Really?" Jungkook mumbled out while staring down at his hand. The feeling of Taehyung 's hot chest still lingered.

"I want you to know that I support both of you. Please take good care of him in my place." Mia knew that Taehyung deeply cared about Jungkook. After all, as his sister, she wanted only the best candidate to be with her brother.

" You already had my support from the get go! But you're gonna have to still explain all of this to J - Hope ." Jimin knew that their friend already accepted Taehyung from the start. He just has a hard time letting go Jungkook.

"Are we ready for the main event to start?!" The announcer called out to the crowd to hype them up. The room then echoed with cheers from students and family of the competitors. Right after, two people came up next to Jungkook and sat themselves down.

" Hey guys, looks we made it just on time." The two people were J - Hope and Joey in their casual attire. Both the boys were bandaged and a bit bruised from their matches.

" You guys look like you've been through hell. Don't worry I got close up shots of both of you in your match." Jimin passed his phone that contained a gallery of high definition pictures.

" Jimin, just why?" J - Hope asked when seeing a picture of himself shirtless and sweating.

"Don't act surprised! You already knew that this was gonna happen. You thought I'm bad, just look at Mia's phone." Jimin casually threw his friend under the bus as if it's nothing. "Jimin!" Mia gasped while putting her phone away into her purse.

"I'll take a file of any pictures containg J - Hope , please and thank you." Joey whispered over to Jimin and Mia despite J - Hope being in front of him.

"The match is about to start! Shhh." Jungkook hushed everyone around him with his eyes glued to the ring. He was so intensely focused on the match that when Jimin asked to switch seats, he didn't bat an eye.

He felt someone tap his shoulder so he turned to see who wanted his attention. It was J - Hope and his eyes were giving him a death glare. To Jungkook this meant that Jimin told him what he saw earlier.

" I-I can explain." Jungkook started stuttering in fear and even waved his hands during his explanation. "We're gonna talk later." J - Hope mouthed.

"Kim takes a jab to the left rib while dealing a sucker punch to Von Einzbern! Both parties are leaning on each other for a moment of rest!" The announcer continued commentating on the events of the current fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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