Chapter 3

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A boy by the name of (Yoongi)Suga sat at his desk while eating chocolate. He was reminiscing about memories associated with it.

That was until he was approached by his friend, Amy. "Hey. What are you eating?" she asked.
"Just a Kitkat that I saved until now." He replied then picked up a stick to offer it to her.
"Here take a piece." Amy accepted it then sat beside the grieving boy.

"Hey.. remember how much "he" loved to eat sweets? Somehow he never got a cavity, haha." Suga laughed. He thought back to how he always brought candy to his friend.
"I hate eating sweet things, but this somehow comforts me now." Suga said while looking at the empty wrapper.

"Yeah.. How long has it been since that day?" Amy asked while her smile turned into a frown. Her crystal clear sight was starting to get blurry from the tears building up.

"Next week will only be one month. You know I got a B on my exam? I finally scored higher than C." Suga reached for the paper beside him to show his grade.
"H-he would've been so proud." Suga sobbed. His eyes were filled with a wet substance until it started to overflow.

The pain of losing his childhood friend was too great to bare alone. In response to his pain, his grip on the paper tightened until it was crumpled.
"I know.. I watched him stay after school to study for the next exam. When he wasn't doing that, he was tutoring the kids in the foster home." Amy comforted her grieving friend.

"When I lost my father, he helped me. He would come to my house so I wasn't so lonely." Amy's voice cracked while her body trembled with pain.
"If only I hadn't left him there in the bathroom. Maybe if we didn't have that big fight. Maybe if i didn't say those words. He would still be here with us. It's my fault!" Suga continuously blamed himself.

Ever since the day of the dreadful massacre, Suga felt guilt for his actions. He couldn't let go of the fact that he pushed his best friend to their demise.
"Stop it! Please, stop blaming yourself. No one thought this would ever happen. Taking all of the blame will only eat you alive inside." Amy cried out while tried to shake some sense into Suga.

"Pointing fingers at anyone won't fix anything or bring anyone back." she softly spoke to him.
"You know that at his funeral, It was just me and the woman who ran the orphanage." Suga learned the truth that day.

Jin never let him come over to his house as a kid. That was because he didn't have a home to come back to. He only knew his parents for a few years before they both passed. When he grew up alongside Suga, all he had was him.

"I won't ask you to say anything you don't want to. Just please, live for him. Live a full life because he couldn't." Amy embraced the sobbing boy into a warm hug.
Only one student knew that Jin committed suicide. That was because they were there when it happened.

"Do you think he's happy where he is now? Is he able to do things that couldn't do before? I wonder if he would even remember me.."

"Let's go. We're gonna be late again!" Jungkook said to Jimin as they entered the auditorium.
" Yeah, I know! It's not my fault that your club looked like so much fun." Jimin replied. The two students scurried to find a good pair of seats.

"Welcome students to the Mixed Martial Arts, qualifying round! I hope you're ready for some action! I'm Vice President Joseph, but you can call me Joey! " yelled the vice president of the MMA Club.

Joey was wearing the school's robe that represented the pride of their club. His skin was the color of beach sand, with beautiful gray rocks for eyes. The color of his hair was bright red like Kool-Aid.

The crowd cheered from the stands for the ring they were surrounding was the crown jewel of their school. Many 'Fight Nights' have taken place in this very ring. The school held the pride of being undefeated thus far.

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