listing and considerations

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Harry looked thoughtfully at the small book in his hand. He hadn't written much into it yet, but he wasn't dissatisfied. .Although he didn't know if and how he should use the things he had entered, they were always interesting. .the idea for this had come to him when he had learned that wild magic did not always have the same effect on the environment. The magicians passed on this passive power in different ways, which Harry found incredibly interesting. .and so he had started questioning his surroundings a few days ago. The young man wanted a list of people who possessed wild magic. It may have been anything but long so far, but it had only just begun. .Of course, the green-eyed man could only pursue this hobby when he wasn't working. Also, wild magic was rare and not that many wizards had it. He found the result so far all the more remarkable.

.wild magic

This is magic that the body produces in excess. It mostly occurs in children, but disappears as soon as they have a magic wand. .nobody knows whether it is because the magic is calmed down by the staff or whether it is due to a misconception.
.people who have to produce wild magic even after receiving their staff learn to deal with it, otherwise it can be dangerous. .mostly the wild magic makes itself felt by showing up spontaneously and causing a lot of trouble (Like a child who gets too little attention).
.people who give off wild magic to their environment cannot absorb it themselves, since their body is already producing a surplus. .The only exception are very old vampires, who no longer give off wild magic themselves and can therefore absorb some again.

Known people who have wild magic. Further information is not always available.

.harry potter: The magic that emanates improves the ability to concentrate and increases the intelligence of every creature in the area. Doesn't stop at enchanted objects either (e.g. feather, toy, book). .would it work with the sorting hat too? Are plants also able to harness this magic? Is it possible to control the leakage so that only certain people can enjoy the effect.
.harry potter still has to learn how to use his wild magic. She's particularly fond of stepping out when Potter is nervous or overzealous. Fear is one of the greatest triggers for this wizard's wild magic. .even if he once again overshoots the target, explosive bursts of magic can occur. Not always funny and never wanted.

Lucius Malfoy: His magic keeps the people who pick it up cool-headed. .they become level-headed and think before they act. Unfortunately, for the above reasons, it has no effect on Harry Potter. .However, Lucius Malfoy has the enviable gift of being able to choose the targets of his magic himself. Only through his willpower, which he has acquired through long practice. .explains why his magic never had any effect on Molly and Arthur Weasley.

Severus Snape: His wild magic strengthens black magic.

Harry's eyes stopped here. He could still remember the conversation with his father.

."Black magic?"
"Why do you think you learned your animagus form so quickly?"
"Hey, don't start telling fairy tales. I can't absorb wild magic because I produce it myself."
."Usually that's true, unless the wild magic is black then you too can benefit from it."
"Is there a reason for that?"
Severus nodded.
.“Of course, white magic is based on physical power, black on spiritual. You can overwhelm a body, but it's not that easy on a mind. Since you in particular have a lot of imagination, you absorb my magic very well.”
."Did the old man know about it?"
"Certainly not, he would have kept me away from you in that case."
"And the Animagus thing?"
Severus smirked.
."Not many know, but this spell, like many healing spells, belongs to black magic."
"Is that the real reason why you have to register?"
"Well recognized, my son. .you're a really quick learner,” Severus complimented the young man.
“Because you showed me how to use your head properly. How would the Ministry react if they knew about your magic?"
."It's quite possible that they would then also put me on a list to monitor me. Or I would no longer be able to move completely freely. I would definitely lose my job. .besides, the ritual guards would have been given the task of preventing me from coming near certain people. I should probably only associate with white magicians."
"Then we'd better keep quiet about it," Harry decided.
."As a matter of fact."

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