It wasn't planned that way, but it's good

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The testimonies were exactly as anyone who was not themselves implicated had imagined them. And there wasn't really much that was new for the judges either. .Each of the victims would have cursed like crazy if they had been given the opportunity, and in any way. .the anger and also the shame were simply too deep to be magnanimous or to take the whole thing with humor. Besides, everything was still very fresh, not even Lucius could remain stoic. .calm very well, but you could definitely tell his feelings.
The Moodys and Redlods had also been hit hard. The two brawlers made friends and the families couldn't handle it. .what really tipped the scales, however, was the defense Tito Fudge offered.

"Please repeat that again, I think I sat on my ears for a short time," Crouch asked, stunned.
."Me too, you haven't really described the actions of yourself and your co-defendants as useful?" came the shocked judge.
"But that's exactly what I did, and it's true. .without the wondrous dust," the attorney pointed at Moody and Redlod, "these two families would still be at war." By intervening, we put an end to the feud.”

."I'll put an end to you right away," it roared from somewhere.

"No heckling, and no threats. Otherwise, we'll have to start criminal proceedings against you, too, Mr. Moody. .I understand your frustration, but that still doesn't allow you to behave like that."

"Sorry," came the sheepish voice from the heckler.

"Can you see it? That's exactly what I meant. .in front of the dust the man wouldn't have cared if he drew attention to himself, now he even apologizes,” Fudge said triumphantly.
"Nonsense, your 'intervention' as you call it has only added to the confusion. .yes, the two no longer fight each other, but the rest of the families are stuck in a mental crisis, the effects of which are far from positive. The two clans have almost set up their tents in the Mungos. .should I call one of the attending healers to the witness stand?”
"Surrender, you seem to want to pull a rope out of this as a matter of principle. .While I stand by my opinion, well, if you want to take a different view, there is another good example of the usefulness of dust.”

"Now if he comes with Oreus and Pwata then I'll scream," Sirius whispered.

."May I point out that it's only thanks to the dust that Mr. Oreus and Ms. Pwata are now a couple? ..they come from different countries and would never have hooked up if they hadn't had the chance."

"How do you say it in the muggle world? A lawyer defending himself..."
."Has a donkey for a client," Severus finished Harry's sentence.
At the same time, he put his hand on his partner's knee to warn him against careless shouting.

Again the judges looked at the accused in bewilderment.
."You really think these two wouldn't have been able to date without drugs?"
"It is so, Minister. As I said, they work for different ministries.”
"That's the dumbest argument I've heard today. .and you haven't even taken Verita yet. You really shouldn't have defended yourself. You have done neither yourself nor your partners any favors by doing so.”
"But it's true. .I'm also sure that if improved, this dust could become a real treasure trove. Just listen to my suggestion.”
"No thank you. .I can do without knowing what arguments you want to use to legitimize this compulsion, and what else it is not."
."What interests me much more, have you given any thought to your victim's feelings?"
Tito Fudge looked confused at the young judge who had asked him that question.
"What sacrifice?"
"Harry Potter, who else? .if your plan had worked, he too would have been nothing more than a prisoner. Yours to be precise.”
"Nonsense, the young man would have fallen in love with me very quickly."
"Yes, because he would have been forced to do it," he was reminded.
."Only at first, but if only I could have gotten him away from Lucius Malfoy, he would have been my partner. And of my own free will.”

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