herding chicks

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"Hey, stay here you rascal," Harry quickly grabbed a corner of the white robe and stopped Pax from levitating into the head ritual guard's office.
"Why did he leave the door open too?" Harry grumbled.
The green-eyed man had just been listening to the others racking their brains over his life and responsibilities when he noticed the Pax disappearing. .the young man could understand the creatures, the conversation just wasn't particularly exciting, especially not for children, and that was the Pax at the moment. At least it seemed so. .and so he had decided to go after the white ghosts.
He himself had been thoroughly amused by the earlier discussion. In the past he would probably have freaked out if someone talked about him as if he weren't in the room. .but since the people were all people he trusted and who cared about his well-being, interestingly enough, it didn't bother the green-eyed guy that much. It wouldn't change the fact that Mr..William had given him a service assignment.
"Of course, Mr. William didn't say anything about how I was supposed to do it," Harry groaned as he brought another of the curious creatures back to the group.
."I feel like a mother cat trying to herd a flock of ducklings. In an emergency, she can't even take it from the neck fur. Are all little kids this lively? are you staying here .I'm not even allowed in this room," he scolded good-naturedly at a Pax who was just enthusiastic about a closed room.
.Harry watched the creature for a while as it worked its lips over the locked door from top to bottom, but then it seemed to lose interest of its own accord and looked for a new target.

.Harry's little carelessness had been used by the remaining Pax to go exploring themselves.
"Er, where are your friends?"
.the remaining Pax gave Harry a friendly smile and laid his lips on the green-eyed man's fingers, which were still gripping the white robes.
"Come on, let's find them before they turn the whole place upside down. .I can't imagine it with these lovely creatures, but we all know that children do a lot of nonsense when they are curious and thirst for adventure. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. .beast, Oskar, would you please swarm out and look for the gang?"his friends immediately complied, something that relieved the young man a lot, even if he felt rather funny using a book and a toy kite as herding dogs.
."I can only say it again, I have really great friends, no matter what form they are or what creatures they belong to."
Although Harry didn't know if the smiling creature understood him, he would definitely try.
."Can you form a hand again?" The young man pointed to his own for clarification.
The pax seemed to think for a moment before then doing exactly what Harry had hoped for.
"You're doing great, come give me your hand. .That's what people do with small children so that they don't get lost”, the young ritual guard continued and now took the white hand in his.
Of course, the two hands were now examined in detail. .which meant nothing other than that the Pax kissed her.
"Everything captured? If you want to agree then you have to nod, look like this.”
Of course, when Harry made the gesture, he knew what was about to happen. .and right, the white lips were already on his head and neck.
"Not tickling your throat," Harry protested, laughing.
The pax drew back and looked at the human curiously.
."Let's find your friends, or siblings," the young man suggested.
In the next moment, Harry couldn't get out of his amazement and Pax started to nod.
“Wow, you guys are really quick in the head. .if you learn everything at this speed then you'll be ready to teach me in a month", Harry smiled and went in search of the remaining ghosts that had escaped.

.He didn't have to search long, Echo, who was always on the road with Beast, had laid a trail for him. Or rather, she had drawn one and it was now following Harry. After only a few minutes he had found the little rascals. .they were all clustered around Harry and Turnus' office. Here they floated through the area and kissed everything that came to their lips. Whether it was Harry's stuff or his mentor's stuff. .what was striking, however, was the caution with which they went about their work.
Harry was about to say something when he felt a tug on his hand. .as he turned sideways he saw the pax he had come with keep looking back and forth between him and his friends. .However, he didn't let go of the young man's hand, but he still pulled on it, just like a small child who wanted to go to the playground with the others.
"You also want to go on a discovery tour?"
The creature began to nod wildly.
."Well, if you can't speak yet, try hand signals. Look, if you want to go somewhere or show me something, point your finger in that direction. Something like that.”
.the young man showed the gesture and waited for the pax to copy it. Harry didn't even notice that they were being watched curiously by the other beings, he was too busy instructing Caspar next to him.
."Right, exactly like that. But please never point it at other people. They don't find it funny at all and often get upset. Hmm, I don't know if I'm not hopelessly overtaxing you with that. I'll get tips from Dad. .Merlin I'm glad to have a teacher for my father. Come on, you can have a look at the room too. But please stay on this side of the office, that's where my desk is and these are my things. .I don't know if Turnus would be that excited if you tampered with his stuff," he said, letting go of Pax, who immediately floated in the indicated direction and began to attack Harry's desk with his friends. .apparently there was a lot to explore because the lips never stood still.

"Did you lead them here?" Harry asked Beast and Echo.
.the book and the quill had positioned themselves against the door as if to guard the exit. The bouncer was immediately bought from Beast, but Harry had a harder time with the pen. But what did he know what this thing was capable of? .with his inanimate friends, nothing had surprised him for a long time. Especially not when Beast started flicking his tongue up and down like she was nodding. Echo, on the other hand, simply wrote "Yes" on the floor.
"Thank you both. .if my magic is really responsible for your progress then I'm even more disappointed that I can't use my wild magic myself, I would be a genius. .unbelievable what she can do with the gray matter or whatever you have. Come here, let me hug you.”
Immediately, Beast jumped into Harry's arms, grinning like a chest again. Echo didn't take long to ask either.
.it wasn't twenty seconds before Harry had a whole bunch of Pax around him. No wonder, after all, there was something new to explore. .After all, these beings didn't know hugs at all and they probably didn't experience them themselves. Who would willingly hug a Dementor?
."You must have a lot of catching up to do," Harry stated as the Pax now copied him and hugged each other in their created arms.
.the smiles on the white faces became more and more radiant and Harry noticed something else, contours had formed that weren't there before.
"What makes you change? By learning or by affection?”
.he didn't get an answer, but that didn't bother the young man in the least. He had only known these beings for a few hours, so he still couldn't know much about them.

"Mr. Potter, where are you?!"
."I'm here," Harry called, recognizing the voices.
The next moment his fathers Lucius and Jonas William burst into the office. Lydia, on the other hand, came into the room completely calmly behind the hysterical men.
."Lucky Merlin, I thought something had happened to you." Severus sighed in relief.
"What's going to happen to me? I'm not such a bad luck magnet anymore, you reversed my polarity,” Harry grinned.
."One can't be too careful with you, why were you suddenly gone?"
"I would like to know that, too. After all, we were just talking about your future assignment and you're just walking away,” the old wizard said indignantly.
.Harry just grinned.
"I didn't run away, our white friends did. They probably got bored with the conversation. Besides, they had already kissed everything there was to kiss in the common room. .I just followed them, precisely to do justice to my new task.”
Jonas blinked, then laughed heartily.
"Beat me at my own game, you're definitely an asset to our department."
."Great, I lost my son to a madhouse," Severus grumbled.
"You can't survive long in this department without insanity. If you are normal here then you go in.”
."You're not going to tell us why that is?" Sirius demanded.
"No, whether you believe it or not, that's also one of those things that shouldn't get out."
."Coy secretive bunch," Sirius pouted, earning a laugh from the young woman.

In the meantime, Lucius had approached Harry and let him tell him what the Pax had experienced and learned in the meantime.
."How did you actually find me?" he then asked when Lucius had finished his amazement.
"By your own help."
"Huh?" came very wittily from the green-eyed man.
“Oskar tracked us down and brought us to this room. .well, since he was made so wise by your wild magic, I'll just say it was you who guided us to you."
"Luc, that's nonsense, if you do something amazing then nobody would say it was actually your father's doing. I only handed in magic, but that doesn't mean I'm responsible for the rest. .my friends went through this development all by themselves. I was just the bringer.”
"If you prefer it that way, then Oskar's intelligence has just led us to you."
"Exactly, and where is Oskar now?"
.lucius pointed to the door where the dragon had built itself.
"How, when did that happen?", the green-eyed man marveled and stared at the dragon, which was now dog-sized.
"I thought you knew he could."
Harry shook his head.
"Not in the slightest. But now you might understand what I mean when I say I'm not responsible for the outcome of their development. They really keep learning.”
Lucius didn't know what to say to that, so he decided not to say anything and instead hug his young friend. He pulled him towards him and kissed him, not exactly innocently.
"What was that for?" Harry demanded, amazed.
"You will spend the night here, I just wanted to say good night to you."

"No, don't, stop it immediately, don't do it like that," Lydia scolded in the background.
Everyone immediately turned to the young woman and noticed with dismay that the ghosts were trying to imitate Lucius and Harry's kiss.
"Oh no, please don't tell me I gave you that idea?"
"I'm afraid so," Harry pulled away from his friend and helped break up the Pax again.
Only now did Harry slowly begin to understand what his new job was all about. .this was going to be a 24/7 job and he was very thankful not to be alone.

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