It wasn't like that part 1

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Crouch was not surprised that the hall was packed to the brim. .even with magnifying charms, the room couldn't even begin to contain the full crowd that had gathered to witness the trial of the Sacred Ones. .for this reason he, and some colleagues from abroad, had cast a spell that was a mixture of fireside chats and muggle television. That way, anyone, anywhere could follow the negotiation. .as long as he had obtained the additional magic in advance. And so many had done so. Half-jokingly, half-seriously, one of his advisory staff had said that with this action they had secured the country's finances for several years.
.only the defendants looked anything but happy about the crowds, but so did everyone in the dock. Or better, on the uncomfortable chairs that not only made you unable to move but also conjured up a mute spell. .in addition, the magic was stopped, which was a slap in the face for these people in particular. Just got away with being defined only by your magic.
Something else was different from many other negotiations, or plenary sessions. .the spectators didn't even whisper but turned their full attention forward. Not only could you have heard a pin drop, you could have heard it pierce the fabric.
'If only it were always like this.'
."Well then, let's do it," he whispered to his assistant judges.

"Hello, dear ones.the reason this trial is taking place today concerns the crimes committed by the self-proclaimed Sacred Twenty-Eight. .since their offenses not only affect our country, but also affected many foreign visitors, which temporarily brought their policy to a standstill, it was decided that there will also be judges from the states concerned. .you can see these judges next to me. The verdicts will also differ from what we normally know, but more on that later. Let's start with the indictment. Ms. Lupkins, please.”

.the magic version didn't need to be told twice by a prosecutor. She rose gracefully and opened a parchment that was quite long. .no wonder, after all, all members and comrades-in-arms of the untouchables had to be listed. The party didn't have that many members in the ministry, but it was enough to cause a lot of trouble. .one of them was Tito Fudge, of whom the former education minister had been ashamed for weeks.
As the minister looked around the room, he saw quite a few clenching their hands into fists. .everyone knew the allegations against the gentlemen, but that didn't make it any better. He could understand people, and beings, only too well. .no matter how many times he heard it, or thought about what had happened, it always made him mad with anger all over again.
He briefly glanced at his second wife, who of course also insisted on being here today. .The minister was amused to see that Zwincky was also present, right next to his wife. The two had talked for a long time and had now become friends. .which sometimes resulted in the two women making fun of him. But in a very loving way.
..Coruch quickly turned his gaze back to what was actually happening, otherwise he would have started to grin, and that really wouldn't have fitted here. He didn't want to imagine what the viewers would have said about it.
."Thank you, Ms Lupkins. Before we begin the interrogations and testimonies I would like to hear the expert who examined the dust and its effects. Please."

.that was the signal for the bailiff to cast the spell that would enable the witness to come to the center and sit down.
"I should have known it was him," Severus whispered.
.Harry, Sirius and the others who heard it nodded in agreement, anyone else would indeed not have been an option.

"Please state your name and occupation."
."Horace Slughorn, former Hogwarts Potions teacher and Head of Slytherin.After actually retiring, I was approached again a few years ago and asked to serve as senior master in the state potions research."
"How long have you held this position?"
."Minister, you certified me yourself," the fat man reminded him.
"The record doesn't know that, though," Crouch retorted over the laughter.
"Sorry, it was three years ago."
"Thanks. You examined the dust? .and before you point out my forgetfulness again, it's for the record."
"Yes, I was commissioned to do this. But, I would like to point out, I was not alone. .I had strong support, both from my team and from some very competent foreign masters. And I have now put that on record for the record.”
.Laughing followed again and the minister decided to line the witness chair himself with Veritaserum in the future. Maybe then he'd get sensible answers. Or he'd change the protocol and cut out those pesky nona questions.
."Since you took an oath, you don't need to take any serum. Your magic is bound, so please tell us what your investigation reveals.”

the cat fixes it again (translation)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora