Little paradise part 2

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Still breathing heavily, Harry pried his hands off the parapet and clutched his partner's shirt. He needed that support badly right now. .not only because otherwise he would simply fall over, but also to process his own feelings. And if he interpreted his friend's grip correctly, it wasn't any different.
It was an unbelievable feeling to have fulfilled one of Lucius' fantasies, even though, strictly speaking, he hadn't done much for it himself. How was that true?
The words of Lucius ran through Harry's mind and when he came to think of it he had actually done a lot. Not sexually but on an emotional level.
Harry hadn't had to think for a second about giving the man in front of him power over his body. The younger simply knew that he could do it and that nothing would happen to him. .and Lucius had confirmed it again when he said he would never hurt Harry.
The green-eyed man almost had to suppress a sob when the full implications became clear to him. What they had just shared had been so much more than lust. .did Lucius always feel like this when he fulfilled one of his partner's fantasies?

Harry slowly lifted his head to ask exactly that. What he saw, however, made him forget the question.
The blond blinked. ."Thanks," he croaked.
As before, Harry raised his hand and gently stroked the taller boy's cheek. He couldn't say anything at first, he was much too touched by the look in Lucius' eyes. .the older one seemed so relaxed, so incredibly happy that Harry found it impossible to find the right words for it, so he kept quiet. Slowly he let his gaze wander down the other and stopped. .he hadn't expected that after all.
"I never dreamed that trust could have such an effect."
Lucius followed Harry's gaze, which was fixed on his core. .of course Lucius knew what he was about to see, and yes, there was a wet spot on his crotch.
"To be honest, I wasn't aware of it either. .I knew that it would arouse me, but I was surprised that I shit my pants right away", he broke a hand from Harry a bit embarrassed to clean himself and his friend with a spell.
The green-eyed one immediately snuggled up to the taller one again.
"What did you always say to me? Never be ashamed of your feelings. Luc, you don't have to be embarrassed at all, you just showed me what you like."
Lucius smiled before leaning down a little to kiss Harry.
'And so the student becomes the teacher,' he thought, unable to resist a touch of pride in the young man.

.Without thinking twice, Lucius picked up his young partner and sat down in one of the comfortable armchairs on the balcony. .he himself was a little unsteady on his feet and he didn't want to lose his footing completely, that would not only be embarrassing but also not very nice, after all Harry was still clinging to him and would therefore be together.fell down with him."Don't you mind?" Harry asked after they exchanged a few more kisses.
"What should bother me?"
"I'm still naked."
."A fact I'm fully aware of and still enjoy, so I should really ask you if you don't mind."
The younger shook his head.
."Amazingly not, it's nice to be able to trust someone like that. What I meant is, don't you mind if I get your clothes dirty?"
Surprised, Lucius lifted his head and looked down at himself and Harry. .he didn't really know what his young friend meant.
"Dirty? I cleaned us both," he clarified.
"Um, yeah, you made our sperm disappear, but well, I... I'm a little sweaty."
."Shhh, don't start thinking too much again, you're not dirty," Lucius cut him off immediately.
..the younger one took a deep breath, grateful to Lucius for intervening, he almost fell back into his usual nervous babble and it absolutely ruined the mood. Something he definitely didn't want to allow. .their togetherness was beautiful, wonderful and absolutely no reason to get bogged down in a hysterical flow of words.
Instead of saying anything else, he lifted his head and kissed Lucius in turn. .he was of course very happy to put up with that, happy to have apparently helped Harry through an incipient embarrassment.
.slowly he ran his hands over the petite body again, gently stroking the back, teasing the nipples, then moving down the stomach, navel until he came to his partner's soft pubic hair. .Lucius admitted to himself that while he had liked it when Harry was naked down there in Greece, he found the young man even more erotic with hair. .maybe that was the fantasies of the green-eyed guy there, after all Lucius had always played with his pubic hair and Harry had enjoyed it. .Yes, that was probably the reason, because Harry now put his head back, clutched at his shirt, closed his eyes in enjoyment and already began to moan again.
."Do you like it if I take my time before touching your penis?" he asked.Harry opened his eyes briefly and stared at Lucius before realizing that he had only asked the question to find out what Harry liked and what he could do to please him. This man was just insane.
."Yes, I love it," he just breathed.
The blonde nodded and continued stroking the soft hair and thighs for a while before enclosing the penis and massaging it. .what happened next, however, made sure that this time it was Lucius who got his eyes wide with surprise.
Harry had opened his eyes again and was beginning to undo the buttons on Lucius' shirt. .he now made sure for his part whether the bigger one liked it before the remaining buttons were undone. .slowly, and somewhat awkwardly, Harry peeled his partner out of his outerwear, then ran his fingers gently and curiously over the exposed skin. .it wasn't the first time he was stroking Lucius, but today it felt different, more intense, even more beautiful than the times before. It was probably because they hadn't been that close for a long time.
."Lucius, may I, well, I would, if you allow me. Shit, no, no babble not today," Harry shook his head vigorously before looking his partner straight in the eyes. "Luc, I would like to spoil you."
.the blond cocked his head a little.
"That's what you're doing right now and it feels wonderful."
.."I'm glad, but I meant something else," he said, sliding his hand down and stopping when he reached the man's belt. He looked questioningly into his eyes again.
"You want to touch me too?"
."Yes, but not only with the hands."
Lucius gasped when he realized what Harry meant by that. ..However, what made him even more ecstatic was not Harry's willingness to perform oral sex on him but the fact that Harry hadn't uttered the words coyly but looked him in the eye without any embarrassment. .lucius even thought he could read something like anticipation and the Harry-typical curiosity in it.
The blonde swallowed with difficulty before he pulled the younger one into an intense kiss in which he put all his feelings.
."I would be very happy about that," he finally admitted. "Shall we go in for that?"To his surprise, Harry shook his head and climbed off his partner's lap, then knelt in front of them and spread the taller one's legs.
"We don't have to go anywhere. Like you said, no one can see us."
.now Lucius was really speechless, he never expected that Harry would let loose like that. But on the other hand, hadn't he just noticed how grown up and matured the young man had become?

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