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"Dd hou thnk that?"
"Sirius, please swallow before you speak," Severus sighed.
"Excuse me. I wanted to know if you'd have thought that,” Sirius repeated his question, this time empty-mouthed.
"What that we're swimming in sundew, so to speak? .not in my wildest dreams, but I thought that's what we've talked about at length for the past few hours. Didn't you want to close the topic of dementors for today? .especially since it will be another two years before the potion is completed.”
"I'm not talking about the dementors or the potion, my question was about Ehrenhausen and its amusement park. .did you know what it is actually about? Matchmaker, I'm still totally blown away."
..Severus wiped his mouth with his napkin and then reached for his glass, twirling it between his fingers absently.
."I have to say no, I didn't know, and when I think about it, that probably also applies to the Ehrenhausen couple."
"How am I supposed to understand that? .Lydia explained to our Harry what the man is all about. His plan was to set up a dating agency. Didn't even know there was such a thing. Muggles have really interesting ideas.”
."Mhm," was all his husband had to say.

Sirius looked at the other helplessly, he couldn't make sense of his husband's behavior at all.
"Sev, shouldn't you be happy about that? .I mean like a teacher.”
"What does that have to do with it?"
"Well, it must have been a thorn in your side when you found out that talented students start working for a man like Ehrenhausen after they graduate."
."It's true that I don't always like it, but so do some other alumni.if one of my students has a talent for potions and then decides to pursue a career as a scout or trader, i'm not too happy about it, but it's just not my life. .everyone should do what makes them happy as long as no one gets hurt. If that means working for an escort agency, then so be it. It's not my job to get involved."
."Then what is the reason for your strange behavior? Is it because you find the idea of ​​a dating agency ridiculous?”
Severus let out a cynical laugh which only irritated his husband more.

."Well then, I'll have mercy and explain it to you. Lydia explained to our son what the von Ehrenhausen company really stands for and why it still has such a bad reputation."
."Yes, because the two operators cannot agree on a name."
"I suspect it's not just the name they disagree on."
"Severus, you speak in riddles. .please, the day has been long and eventful, not just since the session, speak plainly to an old dog.”
"Okay, Blacky," the teacher smiled. .“I have the suspicion that Ehrenhausen's company is both an escort agency and a dating agency. That's why the two can't agree on a name, because two fundamentally different things come together."
."I don't think it's all that different now," Sirius interjected.
"One is all about entertainment, no matter what, and the other is meant to be serious. Even the whole future can sometimes be decided by it. .things that are difficult to reconcile and that are very different.”

Sirius' head was already spinning, no wonder with all the things that happened in just one day. .he was having a really hard time following his husband right now. Were the areas different or not? Since he couldn't find an answer at the moment, he decided to postpone this part until later. .preferably when his brain no longer felt like a boiled egg. But the other thing Severus had mentioned didn't let him rest.

"Do you think Ehrenhausen wants an escort agency and his wife wants a placement?"
."If so, it's the other way around. At least that's what Lydia's words sounded like. But I don't even believe that, I rather suspect that Arnold and his wife, as I said, want both. .which is their right, they do nothing illegal and everyone who comes to them knows what they are letting themselves in for. Nobody is forced into anything, neither the employees nor the customers. .in quite a few cases very good things happen.”
"But why would Lydia lie to us?"
"I suspect she's lying to herself, or things are about to get a little right. .It may be that she loves her work and has nothing against an active sex life, but she still wants to work in a reputable company."
"She does," Sirius intervened.
Severus nodded.
.“We now know that, but for many others that doesn't apply. They think Ehrenhausen and his people are dishonest, beneath all dignity and a few other things that I'd better not list. .you have seen how the people in the ministry react to the young lady and her employer. For such a young person, this hostility is anything but easy to bear. .she may be a strong and confident witch, but that much resistance is probably too much for her at the moment. Eventually she gets the full load, every day.”
"She knew from the start what she was getting into when she worked for Ehrenhausen," Sirus interjected.
Severus nodded again.
"Of course she knew that, but it's different with a man, or a woman, having a nice evening, or whatever, as an escort than when she's suddenly faced with a whole roomful of narrow-minded magicians who..also have a lot of power.that can intimidate even the strongest character.”
"You're talking about the sessions?"
“Of course, her seat on the council suddenly catapulted the young woman to the very top. .and now she has to prove herself on the political stage, I don't think I have to tell you how exhausting that can be. And you have the upbringing, it was more or less thrown into the situation. .even though she is very enthusiastic about it, I think she underestimated the whole situation.”
"That may be. Oh man, and then she's a muggle-born, and even because of that she has to prove herself to a bunch of idiots every day. .When I think about it like that, it's actually a miracle that Lydia hasn't collapsed yet. The pressure knocks out even the strongest man. .there is almost no other option left than to lie to yourself, otherwise it's probably over."
"Only if you can't find a balance, and she has now by being trained as a ritual guardian. .the work in the agency is now just a pastime where she earns additional gold.”
"And with whom she's looking for a mate," Sirius stated.
"Which is probably also a reason why she suddenly insists so much that it's 'just' a dating agency, or rather a marriage agency."
"I definitely wish her luck."
Severus agreed.

For a moment they both dwelt on their thoughts before Sirius' gaze cleared.
"I wouldn't mind having a bit of free time to relieve the pressure that's built up at work, either."
"Oh, just at work?" Severus teased gently before rising.
He crept around the table like a big cat and then stopped right in front of his husband.
"Do you know how hard it was for me to keep my fingers to myself in today's session when you gave your speech. You were so sexy."
Severus laughed and pulled his husband towards him.
"Then let's make sure that your pressure doesn't get out of hand," he whispered.
Laughing, Sirius allowed himself to be drawn into their shared bedroom. They could tidy up the table later or tomorrow, they both had other things on their minds now.

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