/-/ Intro /-/

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This book was a rough idea, I have had so much trouble trying to write it because there is another book about an angel and Natasha, and I don't want to copy that. Now my book is about a Goddess, but I did and still do have the fear of slightly copying their book.

It's The Angel (Natasha Romanoff Story) written by marvel_orion and they have a few other books that are Natasha x Reader/oc. I recommend you read their books because I was hooked on The Truth and The Lie. Also, The Angle is a Lucifer and Marvel cross over and I Love It!

This book is about Y/n Aster. Her father said Aster was her mother's favorite flower, so in remembrance, her last name is Aster. For a thousand years Y/n has been alone, an only child since her mom died at birth. Her father was king of Niros and God of death, but the All Father stripped him of his title after news of him impregnating a woodland nymph, a creature tied to nature of earth.

Y/n being a Goddess, she has powers, gifts as her father would like to call them. Y/n can manipulate the feeling of love and the feeling of pain, she can grow anything (Trees, flowers, vines, bushes and anything else nature.) and she can phase through nature as well. 

Y/n is the human age of twenty-one, but she is one thousand and forty-nine. She's been alive nearly as long as Loki since his is one thousand and fifty-four. Odin, the All Father, was set on Thor and Y/n to be wed, a betrothal, but Y/n didn't want to be the All Mother of Asgard, so she lived a mostly normal life on Niros as a guard for the palace. There she would frequently create weapons or gadgets with Erin.

In 2012 when Loki was caught and brought back to Asgard, the All Father decided to send Loki to Niros for a better security. The flight from Niros to Asgard is only a few hours, and when transferring a prisoner, the flight is better. During the flight, Loki somehow escaped and stole a dangerous emotion altering weapon. 

Y/n was later tasked to go to earth, find Thor, find Loki and bring him to Niros where he would spend an eternity. Thanks to Thor being on earth, he befriended a great group of Heros, The Avengers. Now Y/n has a team searching the galaxy and a team searching earth for the God of mischief. 

Now that's most of the beginning. I am set on a sad ending, the blip will happen, and you all know what happened to Nat.. Now Y/n is not a part of the blip but does take care/guard the Soul Relm during the five years. That gives a hint for the ending. (I'm not sure if the soul relm is right.)

Now, some information below may be repeated. This is most of the character information.

Y/n is one thousand and forty-nine, she lives on the planet Niros. As a child, the first 300 years of her life, she lived with her father until she moved into the palace as a guard. Her mother's favorite planet, and her home, is earth. Thats why Y/n hates earth. 

Y/n has ever been in two relationships, both ending in a breakup. Since her gift is her appearance makes people love her, the relationships she was in were not true love. Her first was Andy, a girl who tended to the flowers of the kingdom, and her second was Shay, she was born intersex and liked to wrestle most of her time.  

Her father's name is Beorn, and her mother's name is Bloom. Before her mother died (Or did she die..?) she gave Y/n a gold heart locket with a photo of herself in it and a small vial of a crushed-up aster flower for Y/n to always have a part of her. 

To her knowledge, her mother died but that was not the entire story. Odin decided that's the story that would be told. The truth will be told deeper into the story. 

This is all I have; I'll probably add more information to this in a little while. But enjoy the story!

(~ 5/4/2022 - Wordcount 704 ~)

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