Chapter 1

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The day started off just like any other normal day, the only difference being that the team had a day off but were still on alert in case they were needed for an emergency. So the team were spending the day either relaxing with family or busy doing other things.

Street was catching up on a few odds and ends that he had been meaning to do for the last week or so. So far he had managed to help a friend out by helping to finish moving the rest of their stuff from their house to their new one earlier in the morning. He had also managed to pick up a part for his bike that he needed to do something about changing soon. That then left him with going to the bank before meeting up with another friend in the afternoon, who he had been hoping to catch up with a lot sooner as they hadn't seen each other for quite some time.

With only one more thing to do before getting to see his friend, he parked his bike in the parking bay that sat just outside of the bank. He got off and walked towards the door thinking about the fun that he used to have with his friend.

When he walked in the door, everything looked like it usually did at the bank. There were a few queues to get to speak to one of the few people that sat behind the counters, as it was one of the busiest points of the day it would seem. Street joined into one of the queues waiting for his turn to speak to someone. As he was waiting he was just looking round to make sure he didn't see anything suspicious going on, which there wasn't.

Not even ten minutes later he was still waiting in the queue when a group of six guys came into the building carrying guns. They were all wearing ski masks over their faces combined with sunglasses to cover their eyes. They were even wearing near enough the same outfit and they were all about the same height and build, making it harder to tell them apart.

They let off a few rounds, shooting at the ceiling, shouting "Everybody on the ground. Everybody on the ground now!" while two of them went to secure the exits to make sure nobody could leave. They continued to make sure that the cameras were covered so nothing could be recorded or even streamed live to anyone. Followed with covering the windows to provide further protection from any view from outside.

Street kept an eye on everything they were doing and recognised the signs as they were barricading themselves in as if they were going to be here a while before they attempted to leave. He was glad that they didn't know that he was a part of S.W.A.T. which meant that they didn't know about the gun that he carried with him at all times.

The people behind the counters stood up with their hands up where they could still be seen while they were pushed in front of the counters with everybody else, to join them on the ground. There was one stubborn person that decided they weren't going to move from behind the counters.

"Do you want to get shot? Because I don't have a problem with shooting people. I've done this before" one of the guys said, aiming the gun in their hands at the stubborn person. The person then moved as they didn't want to be shot.

Street knew he had to do something but there were too many civilians between him and any of the robbers, which meant he was just going to have to wait for the best moment to take a chance to act.

After they had everyone where they could easily be seen they crowded everyone to the one side of the room away from the doors and the windows. "Nobody try anything and you might just make it out of here alive" the man that seemed to be the leader said.

One of the men had pulled the bank manager away from the rest of the group of people and must have dragged the man towards where the vault was kept, to force him to open it.

As the rest of the robbers were staying with the crowd, one got a bag out, saying "All of your valuables, jewellery and phones go in the bag" while three of them were keeping an eye on everyone and using zip ties to restrain people once they handed everything over.

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