Chapter 7

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As the group turned to walk down the corridor, Street didn't struggle as there wasn't an easy way to escape. There were no doors off of the long corridor, but Street wasn't surprised with it being underground.

It seemed that it took about five minutes to walk the entire length of the tunnel, before they reached the end where there was a door.

The door opened and two more men wearing masks and glasses slipped through carrying something in their hands, moving to the leader and started exchanging whispers. Those whispers were just too quiet for Street to hear. Street tried looking through the gap before the door closed to see what was on the other side but he was in the wrong position.

"So now what are you going to do?" Street asked, hoping to be able to get something from the team leader at least, while still being held by two men one on either side of him.

The leader moved to stand in front of Street before replying, "You don't have to worry about that as you won't be able to know or tell anything for a while."

Before Street could ask what the team leader meant someone grabbed the sides of his head holding him still while a strip of cloth was shoved into his mouth with duct tape over the top to secure it in place, going from one cheek to the other.

Street started to try and struggle against them, but was forced to start breathing through his nose when the cloth was shoved in. His mouth was a little on the dry side before, but he could already start to feel the cloth dry his mouth out further.

After he had been gagged, the person that had been holding the sides of his head let go, therefore allowing the leader to grab Street's chin while smirking at him. Another person behind him had raised a cloth over the top of his head and brought it down level with his eyes. Making sure it completely covered Street's eyes then took the ends of the cloth around to the back of Street's head, quickly and very tightly securing a knot into the back.

This left Street only being able to hear the sounds of the men moving around, apart from being able to still feel where the two men, who held onto his arms were as they hadn't moved once. The leader had let go of his chin as soon as the blindfold was secure, giving Street a little bit more freedom to struggle against those that were holding him.

Not even a few seconds later Street's chin was held again. Street could feel the men doing something close by to his ears before feeling what must have been earbuds being pushed into his ears as far as they could go.

Leaving Street with being blindfolded, gagged and made disoriented until the time they should choose to release him. They didn't give Street even a moment to get used to it before dragging him forwards towards what must have been the door as the temperature went warmer from the freezing cold temperature of the tunnel.

Once out the tunnel the group of men moved towards the vans they had parked close by to the entrance. While making sure nobody was around when they dragged Street to the van closest to the door, they split into two groups between the vans. Four of the men were going to go with Street and the other four were going to take everything they had robbed from the bank to a different location, dumping the hostages' phones in a different location so they couldn't be tracked.

Opening the back doors of the van, the two men holding Street's arms pushed him into the van. As Street couldn't see where he was going, the first thing he felt was his shins hit a hard object and without his arms to help keep him balanced he fell forwards into the van hitting the floor hard. He turned his head to the side so he wouldn't hit his nose off of the floor.

Both men climbed in, grabbing Street by his jacket and pulling him further in while the leader shut the doors. One of the two men placed his knee on Street's back to pin him down while they both tied his ankles together with rope tightly to ensure there was very little movement that could be made.

Street could feel the vibrations from the floor when anyone moved against the van and shut the doors. His shins hurt from bashing up against the back of the van, before he felt two of them get in the van next to him, pulling him further in. He felt a knee being placed on the middle to lower part of his back to help pin him in place, while they wrapped something around his ankles leaving little to no space to move his ankles much.

Once the doors had been shut the leader and the rest of the men had planned that they would all meet up at one location to finish dealing with the kid, once some of them had completed the other two tasks first. The leader and the other guy with him waited until the rest had climbed into the other van and had pulled out of the parking lot, taking the turn to the left before going and getting in the other van themselves.

From the vibrations Street could tell that the two doors at the front of the van had opened and then closed once two more people had climbed in. The two people that had been restraining him further had got up and must have sat to the sides of him, when Street felt the engine being turned on.

The drive was rather smooth with only a few bumps from speed humps or pot holes in the roads. It was so smooth that Street couldn't tell how long they were driving for or in what direction they were currently travelling as they had taken too many turns for him to keep track of.

The van eventually stopped and the engine was turned off, from what Street could feel. He really wished he could at least hear what was going on to give himself an idea to get out of here.

The leader and the other guy in the front of the van got out and were just waiting for the rest of the group to arrive before they put the last part of the plan in action. They had been waiting for about twenty minutes before the other van showed up. The leader opened the rear doors to the van he was leaning against, nodding to the two guys it was time to bring the kid out while the rest of them set up the room ready for what was about to happen.

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