Chapter 2

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Once the police received the call from a woman that said that there was currently a bank robbery happening, they gave a call to S.W.A.T. to see if they had any available teams that could help out with the situation.

From there Hondo, Luca, Chris, Deacon and Tan all got an alert showing there was a robbery in progress that needed to be stopped. It didn't take long for any of them to get there.

Hondo was the first one on scene. He was able to get all the details about how they knew about the bank heist and what the police had done so far. They had also set up a barrier to keep civilians out of the way. As soon as Hondo saw Tan, Chris and Deacon turn up and all prepared in their gear he started filling them in.

"All the other teams are busy dealing with other situations, so we've got to handle this one. So far we know that a woman inside the bank has managed to make a call and reported a bank robbery in progress. We don't know how many people are inside as hostages and how many are in the group that are doing the robbing" Hondo explained as Luca walked over to join them, managing to catch most of what Hondo had said.

"They are currently trying to get eyes inside using the cameras, but so far they aren't having any luck. So we'll have to do something about that" Hondo continued. "Chris, I want you to see if you can get a visual through the windows from the rooftops opposite the bank. Deacon and Tan, I want you to get close enough to the building to see if we can get a camera through the wall or even just use the thermo-reader to see how many people we are dealing with."

"Has anyone seen Street? He should have been here by now" Deacon mentioned, as there was still no sign of Street.

"He did mention that he was doing a few different things today. One of them was to go to the bank" Luca explained, looking around to try to spot him. "Hey look, that's Street's bike over there."

"If his bike is here then that means he has got to be inside otherwise he would be here already" Tan said, looking over to where Street's bike sat in the parking bay.

"If he is inside the bank and they realise that they have a S.W.A.T. officer in there, who knows what they will do" Chris spoke, looking worried towards the building.

"That's why we have to find out how many of them there are, and do the best we can to get everyone out safely. But for now let's get in position and see if we can find out who they are. What are they after and start making negotiations" Hondo explained, holding up the piece of paper that was just given to him with the bank's phone number on it.

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