Chapter 11

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When they all reached the hospital, they went to the waiting room and saw Deacon there waiting for them.

"Hey Deac, how's he doing?" Hondo asked as soon as they were all close enough to hear.

"Well, the doctors are currently getting him settled into his room. They just want to keep him overnight to just make sure that he doesn't have a concussion. Other than that, Street has a alright but he'll need to take it easy for a while" Deacon explained, just as the doctor was coming out of one of the rooms.

The doctor walked over to Deacon "He's settled in the room now. Normally we would say only one or two people in the room, but I'll make an exception for all of you as long as you don't stress him out. I'm sure he will probably feel more relaxed and settled with you there. Right, now I've got to do my rounds but I will be in to check on him again later."

The team entered the room taking a good look at Street, all they could really see were the bandages around his wrists from where the zip ties had been and the mark on Street's neck from the rope. The bandages around his ribs were hidden under the hospital gown.
Street looked up towards the doors as the team came in and Tan shut the door to the room as he was the last one in. He watched as they moved so they stood around the edge of his bed.

Hondo was the first one to speak, "How you doing kid?"

Street cleared his throat out before trying to talk. "Not too bad, I'm a little sore from everything. Did you manage to get the guys that did this?"

"Unfortunately, no we haven't yet and we don't have any leads currently but we won't stop looking for them" Chris said.

"The main thing is that none of the hostages got hurt and we've got you back" Tan spoke up.

"Yeah, I'm not letting you out of my sight for a while" Luca explained and the rest of the team nodded in agreement.

Hondo followed by saying "You just can't seem to stay out of trouble, can you?" Bringing a smile to everyone's faces including Street's and a few chuckles. "I don't suppose you could tell us about what happened and anything about the guys that took you?"

Street shook his head side to side a little bit. "No, they were wearing masks the entire time from what I could see. Basically, I went into the bank and about ten-fifteen minutes later they came in through the doors. I went along with what they said to do, when moving over with everyone to the side of the room. I moved myself close to the front so that way I could wait for the best moment to act. The lady that was next to me, I convinced her to make the call to the police and at the same time I was trying to get a message to let you know."

Street stopped talking briefly to take a drink before carrying on, "Only they noticed me as I was doing so, as I was making sure that they couldn't see the lady making the call. From there, I tried to fight a couple of them off but it seemed like they were wearing armour of some sort as they didn't seem to notice any hits I threw at them unless they were aimed at their heads. Anyway, they then kept me separate from everyone else on the other side of the room, especially when they searched me and found out I was a cop."

He continued "Once they seemed to have got what they came for, they dragged the bank manager to join the rest of the civilians before moving over to me and securing my wrists behind my back before dragging me towards the back rooms. They took me to a certain office that had a hidden door. That door is that well hidden that if I hadn't seen them open it, I wouldn't have known it was there. Anyway they forced me into the tunnel that led off from the door before shutting it after everyone was through."

He stopped talking long enough to cough to clear his throat, "Going along the tunnel took about five minutes and there weren't any other doors leading anywhere else. At the end there was a double door and two more guys joined the group. I tried to have a look past them and through the gap of the door but I was in the wrong position. After that, there isn't much I can tell you as I was gagged, blindfolded and had ear plugs put in. I have no clue as to how long I was in the vehicle for or where I ended up at until you guys showed up. Other than that I can't give you any other details that you might not have already."

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