Chapter 8

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The team had spent nearly three hours of the time going through everything they had. They didn't have anything to go from.

Street's phone had already been searched for fingerprints, the only ones on there were Street's. Having tracked down the phones from the hostages that had been stolen hadn't gotten them anywhere either. All those phones were located in a bag, dumped to the side of the road underneath a bridge.

The whole team were worried about Street and they were disappointed with themselves that they couldn't find anything within the reports and that they hadn't breached the bank sooner as they could have maybe prevented Street from being kidnapped by the suspects.

Hondo was in the kitchen wondering about the note that had been left to them. He wondered whether it was implying that they would be getting in touch somehow to just about give them a fair chance at finding Street, but he knew that was not how criminals worked once they realised that they had a cop with them.

Luca was going through everything once again with Chris and Tan, when he received a text message. Pulling his phone out to have a look it was from a phone number that he didn't recognise at all. Opening the message he found a link in it with the words ' Don't you want to know about the Kid?'

Looking up towards Chris and Tan, they were already looking at him "We need to find Hondo and Deacon. I think we've got a lead on Street." So Chris and Tan went looking for both of them while Luca sorted it out so that the link could be viewed through the monitor screens rather than his phone.

Chris found Hondo in the kitchen, "Hondo, Luca thinks he's found a link to find Street" before rushing back to Luca. Hondo stopped what he was doing in the kitchen and rushed to follow Chris back to where Luca was.

As Hondo came in the room, Deacon and Tan came in through the other door. Before anyone got to ask Luca anything, he said "I just got sent a message with a link attached to it. It was asking "Don't you want to know about the Kid?" So I've opened the link and this is what there is at the moment." Luca then pointed to the screens he had got the link uploaded to as everyone gathered around them. "I've also got a trace going on to see if we can find the location as to where they are."

Just as everyone finished gathering around the video went live. They could see there were five guys in the frame so far. Two of them were dragging Street through the doors, as his legs were tied and dragging behind them. It was clear to them that Street was conscious as they could see his head moving side to side as if he was attempting to see where he was. It also looked as if that Street was potentially in pain at the way his body tensed up.

Commander Hicks walked into the room and joined them around the screens. "Have we got anything yet on the location?" he asked.

"No, nothing yet but they have bounced the signal around all over the place. So we can't get an accurate reading yet" Luca said.

"But as soon as we do we are heading over there Commander'' Hondo added on, all the team nodding their heads in agreement.

They went back to watching the video while they waited. They turned to look just in time to see the two men dropped Street onto the floor. When Street hit the floor it looked like he attempted to curl himself inwards to protect himself as much as he could with his hands behind his back.

The two that dropped Street and a third guy started to gather around Street and start kicking him anywhere they could reach, along his legs, back and stomach. Street couldn't do anything, not even make a sound as his mouth was covered.

There was a ping from the computer screen showing that they had a location. The team raced out the doors to get geared up and into Black betty. That left Commander Hicks to monitor the video as it progressed while getting in touch to get an ambulance to arrive on the scene as soon as possible. 

Wrong Time, Wrong PlaceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ