The meeting

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~A few days later~

Scott's POV

I had to get up earlier than I normally would because Katherine had called a meeting for all of the Empires to attend. We hadn't had a meeting all together for a while, so she probably wanted to catch up with how everyone's Empires are going. I was finally ready to go and headed off towards Katherine's Empire.

When I got there, the first thing I noticed was that no one was there yet. The whole place looked abandoned. Where had everyone gone? I wasn't that early, was I? I looked around and noticed it wasn't entirely abandoned, there was someone standing, facing the far wall. I began walking towards them.

"Hey, where is everyone?" I stopped behind them.

"Scott?" The mysterious person spun round, a confused look on their face. I stood, shocked. It was Jimmy. 

I turned to run out the door, but he grabbed my arm. 

"Scott, please. Just listen."

I slowly turned around, avoiding eye contact. I wasn't ready to talk to him, after everything that had happened. "Wh-What?" 

"I'm s-sorry-"

I looked up at him, I was not expecting that. Why was he apologizing? He did nothing wrong, I should be the one apologizing. "Wh-Why are you-" He cut me off before I could finish.

"I let you down in the 3rd life battle, I should have-"

"Stop! Just stop Jimmy! Why are you always the one to apologize?! Even when you didn't do anything?! You shouldn't be apologizing! I should!" I couldn't help it, I lost it. I started yelling at him. It made me so angry that he was apologizing, even though he did nothing wrong. I paused for a second, then ran out the door. I couldn't take knowing how he would react to me yelling at him. I just had to go make things worse, didn't I?

Jimmy's POV

I just stood in shock, Scott had never yelled at me like that before. I wanted to go after him, to comfort him, but I didn't want to hurt him even more. What did he mean he was the one who had to apologize? I couldn't take it anymore, the thought that Scott was out there somewhere, in need of comfort, I ran out the door and looked around, hoping to see any sign of where Scott could have gone.

I could hear a distant cry coming from around the corner. I ran around the side of the building and saw Scott leant up against the wall, head in hands. I slowly walked over to him. "S-Scott?"

He turned his head towards me and when he saw it was me, he looked back down again. "What do you want?"

"I came to-to check on y-you." I tried my best to sound comforting, but it was hard, having not talking in weeks.

"Why? I couldn't save you in 3rd life, I just yelled at you. You should hate me."

I couldn't believe it, Scott thought I was mad at him? I could never stay mad at him. I walked over and sat down next to him. "Scott, I could never be mad at you. Why would you ever think that?"

He looked over to me with an unreadable expression. "B-Because I-I'm a terrible p-person." Then he burst out crying again and looked away from me.

"Scott, listen to me, nothing you could ever do could make me hate you and your not a terrible person. You helped me when I needed you, you let me stay with you in 3rd life, never turning your back on me. I wish you would see that." It broke my heart, hearing Scott talk about himself in that way. Why did he think so low of himself?

He turned his head towards me again and I could see his tear stricken face, his red eyes. "I-I'm sorry...for everything..." He whispered, then he leant his head on my shoulder. After I processed what had happened, I slowly lowered my head down to his, closing my eyes. I missed this, just us laying together, like we were the only ones in the world. But unfortunately all good things must come to an end.

"Scott...?" He didn't lift his head, just turned to look up at me. "Did-Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" He started to lift his head to look around.

"I-I think I heard something, like a bush shaking or someone standing on leaves." 

That frightened him. He looked around more frantically and I did the same, until my eyes landed on a moving bush in the distance. I stood up and walked over in that direction. I felt Scott's eyes follow trail over to where I was walking.

I stopped in front of the bush, what that...giggling? I looked closer. "L-Lizzie?" I did not expect that.

"Ohhhhhh, heyyyyyy Jimmyyyyyy." She came out of the bush with a smirk on her face, behind her, more people followed. The other Empire rulers.

I heard Scott come up behind me. "What's going on?"

"Uh...well we-" Pearl started to explain, but Joey cut her off.

"Katherine definitely didn't call this meeting to get you two alone and so we could spy on you." He said in a sarcastic voice.

"Joey!' Lizzie yelled.

"We totally did." Joel added.

"Joel!" Lizzie shouted once again.

I looked at Scott and his face was bright red, so cute. But I was angry at Lizzie, I told her about us so she could be there for me, not so she could set us up. 

Scott's POV

I could feel my face growing red, I couldn't help it. Jimmy turned to me and I smiled back, still red as a tomato. He looked angry, Lizzie might want to run, for her sake. Jimmy looked like he was going to kill her. It was so adorable how angry he go over this. Yes I was slightly annoyed they set us up, but I was glad too. If it weren't for them setting us up, Jimmy and I might still be on no talking terms. I was glad to have him back.

~That night~

I took Jimmy back to Rivendell so we could hang out and catch up. It had been a while since we had talked. We both agreed on a movie to watch and sat down on the couch together. 

We were not even half an  hour into the movie yet, but I was starting to get tired. I leant my head on Jimmy's shoulder and within seconds I was asleep.

Jimmy's POV

Scott was so adorable, he leant on my shoulder and fell asleep. I kissed his forehead and lowered my head down to lay on his. 

I thought back to what had happened today and realized I still didn't know Why Scott was avoiding me, or why he said he was the one who should apologize. I guess I could ask him in the morning.

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