The whole story

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Scott's POV

I woke up to the scent of food cooking. It smelt delicious. I opened my eyes and looked around, I was still laying on the couch where I was last night, but I noticed something, or someone, was missing. Jimmy was gone.

"Good morning sleepy head." 

I turned around to see Jimmy standing behind the couch, wearing an apron. I smiled. "What can I smell? It smells great."

"Oh, that's breakfast." He turned around and walked back to the kitchen to finish cooking, I got up and followed him out of the lounge room.

"You don't have to do that. You're the guest, I should be cooking for you." I walked over to the stove where I saw bacon cooking and picked up the tongues, but before I could flip the bacon, Jimmy placed his hand on mine.

"Scott, it's ok. I don't mind cooking for you." He gently pulled the tongues out of my hand and started flipping the bacon. I smiled and kissed his forehead before walking over to sit down at the table to wait.

Once Jimmy had finished cooking, he walked over to the table and served it up on the table for us, then sat down to join me.

After a while of eating, Jimmy looked up at me, still chewing on his last mouth full. "Hey, um...Scott?"

"Yeah?" I looked up to see what he was about to say.

"Um...well I was wondering...y-you don't have to answer now if you don't want to, well..." I took another bite of my food as I waited for his next words. He looked down, probably deciding on how to say what he wanted to, then after a while of silence, he spoke again, it was barely audible, just being able to hear him. "M-Maybe now's not the time..."

"Is everything ok Jimmy?" I sat my knife and fork down on the table and looked at him. I was starting to get a bit worried, he was acting a bit strange so I hoped he was ok.

"Y-Yeah, I was just..." He trailed off, looking a bit sad. I hated seeing him like this, I just wanted to wrap him up in a hug and comfort him.

"It's ok if you're not ready to tell me, just take your time." I didn't want to push him, so I needed to show him that he was in a safe environment. He looked up with tears in his eyes. That just worried me even more. "J-Jimmy? Oh my gosh, Jimmy! Why are you crying? Are you ok?"

"I-I was j-just thinking about...about when-when y-you you were a-avoiding m-me..." Tears started dripping down from his eyes. I looked down, guiltily. I knew this would eventually come, but I didn't expect this now.

"Jimmy...I-I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have avoided you. I should have just talked to you."

"W-Why w-were you ignoring m-me? Did I do something w-wrong?" My heart broke hearing how sad he sounded. I looked up, shocked that he thought it was somehow his fault.

"What? No Jimmy, you did nothing wrong, why would you think that?"

He looked up as well. "Then why?"

I took a deep breathe. "I-I thought you-you hated me after I couldn't save y-you..." I could feel tears stream down my face.

"Why would I be mad at you for that? It wasn't your fault. I know you had yourself to worry about, you shouldn't have to worry about me as well." Hearing that, my face softened into a small smile.

"S-So you weren't mad?" 

"Of course not! I thought you were avoiding me because you were angry at me."

"Jimmy, I could never be mad at you and it wasn't your fault." I thought for a while, then had an idea. "Hey Jimmy?"

He looked up. "Yeah?"

"Follow me." I got up from the table and held my hand out for him to take. He smiled and took my hand, standing up to follow me. He then stopped and looked at the table.

"What about the-"

"Don't worry about it, I'll deal with the dishes when we get back. After all, you did cook." We smiled at each other and continued walking. I took him to the lounge room and he sat down. "Wait here." I left him there to put my plan in action...

Jimmy's POV

I waited for Scott to come back. I tried to think of every possibility of what he could be doing, but none of them made sense. I could hear footsteps walking back into the room and seconds later he appeared in front of me. He stood there, looking nervous and playing with the petals of the poppy he held. I looked at him, confused. He eventually looked up from the flower, a determined yet loving look on his face.

"I miss being with you and I hated the weeks we spent apart. I felt lonely, even though I was surrounded by people, all I wanted was to be with you. I love you Jimmy and I never want to go through that ever again...can-can we s-start o-over?" He started to loose his confidence. I felt my face heat up and before I could think, I was standing up and hugging him. 

"Of course." I whispered. "I love you too." I smiled, letting myself get lost in the hug.

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