6: One Addition? One Subtraction?

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(A/N: Hate this chapter. So many things happened and yet it feels like nothing happened at all.)

When the other four boys got up to the fifth floor, Olivia and Harry were already up there, out of breath and struggling to open their door. 
"We're not in the room yet, it doesn't count" Harry giggled. 
"That's not fair! You're the one with the key!" Olivia whined, but grinned anyways. Niall sighed as he watched their interaction. It made him feel uneasy, they reminded him too much of Harry and Louis when they were younger. Though that breakup was explosive, he still felt like the two of them could work it out and end up together. 
Once the boys all got settled in their rooms, Niall went over to pay Louis a visit. 
He knocked three times, "Hey Tommo, it's Ni." 
Louis answered the door and let him in almost immediately. 
"Hey bud, how're you feeling? I feel like we haven't really checked up on you." Niall asked gently, taking a seat on Louis' bed. 
"A bit overwhelmed if I'm honest, but I'm fine. I'm doing okay." Louis sat beside him. 
"Okay now that that bullshit is over with, how are you feeling Louis?" 
"I- I don't know. I didn't know it was gonna be this hard to see him, you know? I feel like he's doing so much better without me. He seems to be in a much healthier place. And I can't help feeling like I was holding him back, like I was the one who was stopping him from having a happy life." Louis teared up a little. 
"It's not your fault Lou. Just because he's matured and found himself now, doesn't mean that you were the reason he couldn't back then. I mean, you've matured and found yourself and your sound too. You're so much more confident in yourself, I've noticed." Niall rubbed comforting circles on Louis' back, "You're doing better too. So much better. I'm so incredibly proud of you Louis." 
"Thank you Nialler. F-for saying that and for checking up. I've missed you." Louis sniffled and rubbed his eyes. 
"What are brothers for? Talk to me if or when you have something on your mind that's bothering you, yeah?" Niall ruffled Louis' hair and left the room with a small hopeful smile. 

Everyone could hear the laughter coming from Harry's room. It was the only sound that resonated in their hallway. It was the only sound that was coming from any of the rooms. No one knew what it was about Olivia that was different from the other people he'd signed contracts with, but she seemed to be the only one that Harry seemed to be close-close with. They were like siblings, in the eyes of the band. That was how they'd been acting. It didn't necessarily make the boys uncomfortable, it just made them feel strange. They thought the reunion would mean more time with each other, they didn't expect another addition to the band. (Everyone give it up for One Addition! One Subtraction!) 

"I was in the room first, which means that I get to pick the movie tonight, and tomorrow morning." Harry grinned while grabbing the TV remote. 
"Fine Styles, I'll let you go this time, but next time, I won't let you get your way without a fight." Olivia plopped onto the bed beside Harry, watching quietly as he logged onto Netflix and searched for Romantic Comedies. (Was that a Woman reference? Yes. Yes it was.) 
After the movie was over, they'd agreed that Harry would sleep on the couch tonight and Olivia could take the bed. They never really slept in the same bed, not even in their own home. 
"Hey Harry?" Olivia whispered into the dark. 
"What's up?" Harry whispered back. 
"No, now you've woken me up. I'm not going back to sleep until you tell me what's up." Harry sat up and brought his blanket to the bed. He sat beside Olivia and turned on the lamp on the bedside table. 
"W-why'd you agree to the reunion?" Her green eyes met Harry's, searching for an answer hidden within his emerald pools. 
"I don't know. I guess I just missed the boys." He answered simply. 
Olivia knew that wasn't the reason he'd come back, she saw the way he lied, but she chose not to comment on it, only nodding silently in response. 
"Why do you ask?" 
"Just curious." She shrugged and turned off the light. She'd asked because she wanted to know if Harry'd come back for Louis. She knew he would never tell her if he did, but she just needed to know. 

Five minutes later, she realised she wasn't going to get any sleep tonight. She also realised that Harry hadn't gone back to the couch. He was instead curled up in a fetal position on top of the quilt but under his own blanket, laying on the pillow beside Olivia. She smiled softly at the man beside her and kissed his forehead before finding another spare blanket and moving to the couch. 

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