"Wait what?"

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Seven years had passed and now I'm 14. I've become sorta like a vigilante I guess. Ya know killing "bad guys " ,running from authorities and living alone on the streets of black haven.

What I call home is an abandoned shack with some furniture I scavenged. It's nothing special but it's livable.

I usually don't take any missions from buyers, because I'm a free agent. That was until the best mission came up that not even I could pass up on.

Some Glasglow guy was putting up five million dollars just for someone to escort a package to one of his buyers.

I accepted the mission and went to where he told me to get the package and car along with the directions to his contact.

When I got there it was way bigger and heavily guarded than I expected. I walked up to one of the guards where he pointed a gun at me. I told him I was there for the mission (assuming he was working for Glasglow) he then yelled at me to get back or he will shoot.

Confused I stood there, he was about to shoot when something blew up on a higher level of the building. I heard his voice com say they needed back up so he ran into the building forgetting about me. Me still confused walked into the building.

I get focused and start running towards the top floor when I run pass someone who doesn't seem to be a guard I look as we both pass each other she was young like me , had white hair and red eyes... She was kinda hot.

I notice her hand aim at me then all of a sudden I was lifted off the floor and pushed into the wall. It didn't hurt much but it was enough for her to almost get away when a looking thing was running at the speed of light and tripped her . The dog then kept running up the stairs.

I got up before the girl did and went to help her up. When I held my hand out to her her face was unsure. I said smiling "hey you're the one who attacked me. She then took my hand and pulled herself up. As she was dusting herself off I took the time to introduce myself. She said "Nero huh?, well I'm Kuri "

We both sprinted up the stairs. I'm surprisingly way faster than her. When we got to the next floor the dog wasn't there (probably on a higher floor). When we finally reached the top floor the dog flew into me knocking me to the floor I push him of then realize he's unconscious. The creature changed into a human, a boy who looks older than me.

I look at Kuri. Her face shows the expression of fear. I follow her eyes and see a giant brute guard who was three times my size carrying two mini guns

I quickly get up and get ready for a fight. He aims one for each of us they start to rotate and I soon figure out why this mission was worth so much.

He starts to shoot. I change my bats into a shield and a sword to block the bullets. I look to see how Kuri is doing and she has some type of force field.

I get out of the way of the bullets and changed my bats to dual Uzis and shot at him. Kuri then used her powers to push him out the window.

I wipe my forehead thinking it was over, when a helicopter with the same person in the back flew up to our level the boy starts to wake up. I start giving orders like I'm the leader. "Kuri you get the package and get in the car. " " You can you walk?" "I'm pretty sure you're the only one old enough to drive so u take the driver seat. "

We all get in the car. I shoot at chopper but it evades my shots and starts to shoot back. The boy yells "hold on !!!" He steps on the gas and the car takes off through the window. Kuri yells,but plummeting towards the ground at this speed doesn't phase me.

We land and drive off. The chopper not far behind us is still shooting at us. Kuri puts up a force field around the car. I ask "hey,does this field work both ways ?" "No" she replies. "Good, that's all I needed to hear." I say with a smirk.

I then change one of my bats into a rocket launcher and shoot an array of shots just in case I missed. The helicopter blew up and we made our way to the destination. We met the contact and delivered the package.

I personally handed it to the contact. She thanked me. I told her "I couldn't have done it without them" (glancing at the two) "by the way who are they?" I asked. She said "oh I had Glasglow hire three people just in case you guys fucked up, but you guys did pretty well" she says with a smile. I smile back and notice a i.d badge that say 747 and say "thanks agent 747. "

We all leave going back to our own lives. I get out the shower just to see agent 747 sitting waiting for me. I freak out and cover myself with a towel. She says " relax you don't have anything I haven't seen before, anyways I have an application for you to fill out."

"Wait what "

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