Allies and Rivals

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The next day we were woken up by our overseer Sachi. She told us we have to go down and talk to the director.

We opened the door at the same time as the team across the hall did. It was Kira, Crimson, and Jax. One of us from each team is looking at the opposite other. I and Jax, Kuri and Kira , and Macario and Crimson.

Both teams start walking down the hall and stairs towards the directors office. We both halt at the door wondering why the other is still there. The door opens and the director standing in the threshold says "ah both teams made it on time".

We walk in his office. All six of us take a seat. He says " The reason I called both of you in here is to discuss allies and rivals". "Each of you will choose a rival from the other team which will also be your ally, get it?"

"I think..." said Jax

"Well go ahead" the director said

"Umm I pick... Nero". Jax said

"What why?" I said

"Cuz your ability is weapons right? Then you should be perfect cuz mine is hand to hand combat". Jax said

"Okay so it's settled Nero and Jax are rivals, also they are team leader, and to conserve time I will pick the other two sets of rivals". Said the director

"Okay... Kuri and Kira, then Crimson and macario, good day and dismissed". He said

We all leave as confused as the other then head to the gym to train.

As we enter , I'm amazed to see how much stuff they have.

"Wow ,They have everything". I say

"Well what did you expect". Said Jax

"Not this- ooo kendo" I say aghast

"You're such a little kid" said Jax

I run to the kendo area ignoring Jax's comment. When I get there I immediately pick up two and start practicing my sword work.

A couple minutes pass then I look around to see the others. Everyone is doing there own thing. Then I look at Jax. He's using a punching bag and a dummy to train. I look down then immediately look up again because I sensed someone looking at me.

There he was... Jax starring at me. I ask "what?" He replies saying " Nero I challenge you". I just give him a smirk and nod.

He charges at me. I get ready to swing at his legs but when I do he jumps and dodges it. Whilst still in the air he throws a punch for my head , at the last second I block it with one of my swords.

He lands steps back and says "heh not too shabby ". I say nothing in return.

This time I charge at him and stab with my right hand, he dodges then I spin and swing with my left. It hits him in the side, which made him stumble a bit. His recovery from the attack was almost flawless. He tackles me then throws me into a crate of practice guns. (Guns with rubber bullets) I take two pistols and put them in my jacket where he can't see them.

I stand up then pick up my swords. He charges at me again and throws me again but this time I'm ready. I land, then throw my left sword then my right. He deflects the first one but gets hit in the face by the second. By the time he recovers I'm already in front of him. I catch the sword before it hits the floor then uppercut swing to his face. The attack lands sending him falling to the floor. He recovers. I jump in the air then swing for his face again. This time he catches it and breaks the wooden sword in his hand.

I back up a lot. I pull out both guns and spin them in my hands for show. I aim for him but right before I could shoot the bell rang for us to go back to the dorms.

"Really?!?" We both say simultaneously

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