I'm a Unicorn

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I have motivation! And have put in effort.
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Kay sooooo, what are you waiting for? Oh, yeah. Me.

Aru: look what I found! *holds up arrow*

Aiden: yay

Aru: I'm a UNICORN *sticks on forehead with the sticky part*

AIDEN: Ya, wait WHAT!

10 minutes later

Aru: He's trynna take ma horn away! It's my unicorn horn!

Rudy: I wanna seeeeeeee

Mini & Aiden: Such children.

Brynne, Nikki, & Sheela join

Mini & Aiden: *facepalms*

1 hour later

Aiden: Shah, what if I were to take something important from you.

Aru: DON'T TOUCH MY BABIES!!!! * clutches her horn/arrow and Swedish Fish for dear life*

Aiden: Shah...... I was talking about Vajra.



Aru: Vajra is old, *zapped* I mean ancient and wise. He can take care of himself!

Vajra: *sniffles* Why can't I have a mom?

Me: Vajra, I am your mother.

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