project shellfire:pt1

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Y/n pov

I sat alone in my large tent/hut, with d/n resting his head next to me. Given how I have no work as of now, we can both relax for the moment. D/n was still recovering from our encounter with the riders, but for the most part, he was fine.

Since it will be awhile until I have to leave, I decided to take my armor off.
Since viggo was kind enough to get me a place to fit d/n, I had my own hut, which was connected to a large tent for d/n. That also meant tht I had my own door with a lock.

Taking off my armor, I sat down on my zippleback skin chair, whilst I looked at my scars. I was lucky enough to have zero scars on my face, instead having tons of small cuts on my arms, with a few large wounds on my torso. Looking at my side, I saw the large axe wound I got long ago by one of my old friends. He did have a cool axe though. Basically a massive wooden pole with steel that somewhat resembled a teeth pattern.

Soon, I heard a loud knock on my door, followed by a voice.

Hunter: viggo is looking for you. He wants you to overlook project shellfire.

Letting out a sigh, I got dressed up again, and began to make my way over to the ship.

Time skip~

Standing next to viggo and Ryker, with d/n looming behind us, we were overseeing progress on project shellfire. I have to admit, this is the coolest thing I've been involved in, but since I failed last time, viggo wants ME to get the shellfire. No chance that I'm looking forward to that.

Viggo: soon, brother, we will have the necessary firepower to take care of any further disturbances in our operations. Those dragon riders, and everyone they are affiliated with, will soon be reduced to nothing but ash.

Soon, a hunter came over to me, telling me of the arrival of the hunters from the northern markets. Informing viggo, he prepared for his speech. Looking at the crowd of hunters, I saw two very interesting look-alikes. What made them interesting, was that they were women. I mean, I've never seen a female hunter before, always the potato guys. They also had some familiar looking blonde hair. Viggo cleared his throat, gaining my attention as he began his speech.

Viggo: my fellow hunters! In the very near future, the dragon riders will be but a distant memory. However, time is unfortunately not on our side. Thus, it is imperative that we complete project shellfire in a timely manner. Only then, will we reclaim the seas and shores, that by all rights belong to us!

The hunters began to cheer at their leader's words, while Ryker shoved them back to work. I'll admit, project shellfire sounds like it would be a spectacle to watch.

Walking with my employers, I strayed off to grab some food. The food I was given was very hit or miss, Usually miss when lars#1 is cooking. I heard lars#2 was good at cooking, but he deserted the hunters a while back.

Walking back towards viggo with my food in hand, I noticed a hunter approaching the food, with a gronkle iron mace held in his hand.

Y/n: hey viggo, I don't remember any of your hunters with mace like that.

Signaling to viggo, he began walking towards him, with me and Ryker following behind.

Viggo: where did you get this mace?

Hunter: I took it off of a rider!

Viggo simply glared at the man, causing him to immediately spill the beans. I was hoping I'd have to torture him.

Hunter: ok, ok, I took it off of a hunter who took out a rider. A pair of twins, with blonde hair. Rather skinny fellows.

Looking skeptical of what the hunter said, viggo walked back towards us.

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