6~Rise and Shine

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I woke up to my bed shaking. I opened my eyes and I was staring at a wall. The wall wasn't mine. It was that weird feeling of confusion like when you forget you slept over at your friends house. Then I got slapped in the face so hard by reality that a hand print was made.

Aaron cheated. I met this really nice boy. I slept at his house. I just met this boy. I'm losing control of my life. Work. Work. Work. Shit.

I rolled over in bed and stared at the evilness that goes by Tanner. Why did he have to wake me up.

"Oh hey you're up."

"Oh hey! It's because of you." I said glaring at him. If you couldn't tell I'm not a morning person and I don't appreciate people who are.

"I made breakfast." At those words I threw the blankets off of me and stood up. "Damn, you look sexy in my clothes." I blushed at him but kept my head down. I had one objective and that was to get to my food.

I shuffled passed his staring eyes and out of his room. I dragged into the kitchen and sat at the island. Tanner came in seconds after me and set a plate with bacon and a fried egg sandwich. Oh how nice is Tanner.

"Thanks so much," I said with already a mouthful of bacon.

"It's really my pleasure, taking care of a beautiful lady like yourself." I blushed instantly and almost started choking. I had to gulp down my food and get a glass of water.

Breakfast went by without much conversation. We ended up sitting on his couch watching reruns of family feud. How stupid can people be.

"Name a mans name that has three letters," asks the host.

"Will." Me and Tanner start laughing so hard we have to clutch our stomachs.

Once we settle down and catch our breath Tanner tries to scooch closer to me but I notice.  I don't say anything either. Next thing I know he's sliding his hand in with mine, I smile and squeeze his hand for reassurance. Man, I'm so lucky I found this kid. Where would I have gone? He's helped me so much. That's when I decide to turn and face him. To my surprise, he's already staring at me with a look of wonder in his eyes. I look at his lips and then back at his eyes and he starts to lean in. I close my eyes and prepare myself for his lips.

He goes right passed my lips and whispers in my ear, "Your hands are a little sweaty beautiful." My eyes shoot open and I could feel the tips of my ears heat up with embarrassment. I pull away from him and self consciously rub my hands on his shorts that I'm wearing. He starts chuckling and pulls me in for a side hug.

"Oh you're so funny," I say making my voice go deeper in a sarcastic way.

"I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings," he asks teasingly. At this I stick my tongue out at him and watch the Smith family play fast money.


It's noon and I decide I need to do something with my life. I poke Tanner because he drifted off to sleep after the third episode of family feud. I guess I wasn't the only tired one.

"Hmm," he grumbles.

"I can't stay here the rest of my life," I tell him even though that's exactly what I want to do. I never want to see the arrogant, cheating, asshole bastard ever again! Ugh, I need to calm down.

"Are you sure because I don't think anyone's against it besides you."

"Well, I have a job- or maybe had a job- and all of my belongings are at the asshats place."

"Oh right," he says, his voice still husky from his nap. He slowly sits up and raises his arms to stretch. He makes the moan sound of a good stretch. Ugh, he's so sexy.

"Well I'm going to go change back, thanks for letting me borrow some of your things."

"Oh please, the pleasure was all mine. you look so sexy in my clothes," and he gave me wink. That bastard.

I sauntered into Tanners room and found some of my clothing. I stripped free of Tanners clothes and started reapplying my own to my body. I walked to his bathroom and frowned at my appearance. I look like an old retired drag queen. How sexy. I grabbed a washcloths that was on the sink and soaked it in hot water. I then proceeded to wipe my face clean of the oils and whatever makeup that managed to stay on my face.

I sauntered out of the bathroom still feeling the exhaustion and went back into the living room. Tanner was still sitting on the couch with a bored stare at the tv.

What am I doing here? I can't stay. I don't even know him. He's very nice yes but I just can't stay.

I decided to take this opportunity to sneak down the stairs to his front door and grab my shoes. I reached for the door handle and started to turn it as slowly as I could. I always felt the faster I go the more noise I made. Just as I was at the pulling part of opening the door I heard the squeak of the coach meaning someone was getting off of the couch. I decided this was my last chance so I swung the door open and dashed out. I ran into the street and towards my car. I dug my keys out of my pocket and had to shove them into the keyhole.

"Blaire! Blaire! Wait! Where are you going?!" Tanner said while frantically running at me. But I just ignored him and opened the car door. I sat down and put my keys in the engine and buckled up.

Tanner reached my window and started pounding on it. "Blaire please," he said. My eyes started to water because this is the nicest anyone has treated me in a while and I'm running away. I can't do this right now though, my boyfriend just cheated on me yesterday and I've already slept with someone the same night. This is not who I am and not who I want to be. I know that tanner is more than good for me but I'm terrible for him. It would just be selfish to stay in his life.

I looked at him through the mirror. My eyes couldn't hold in the tears anymore and they just flowed out onto my cheeks. "Im sorry" I mouthed to him and hit the gas. This is just an example of how terrible I am. I don't even understand some of the things I do.

****Hey everybody.

I know I haven't updated in a milllllion years and I also said that I wouldn't be updating anymore but hey, here's a chapter and I think I'm going to try and keep writing. Please have patience with me and I know I'm sorry because this is a really short chapter too,,,,,, please vote and comment. I will probably update once or twice this week to makeup.

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