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Authors note:

I probably will never update this often but I didn't go to school today so I decided to use my time wisely. Not that binge watching gossip girl is a waste of time.....
This chapter is dedicated to thepurplerose because The Teddy Bear Agreement is amazing.

•••The apartment•••

I stepped into the elevator. I didn't know what else I was supposed to do. I had to listen to this intruder or I will be killed.

How did he even get into the elevator? Did he hurt our lovely doorman? He was such a nice old man I hope he's still alive.

The elevator doors closed and I felt the cart going down. My breathing started to get shallow. The screen was displaying the floors and we were almost to the lobby. 5, 4, 3, 2, L. The man put the gun to my side and took his ski mask off. He stood next to me in a way that looked like we were together. No one would suspect I was being held against my will.

Unless chase saw us! Hopefully he would still be alive and well. Maybe he just took his break and that's how this bastard got into my home. Well if that's true he better be finishing up his break and coming to save me!!

The doors opened and I saw chase just happily standing at his post. YES! He turned his head and saw me with this man and smiled.

"You were right chase," the bastard said. "Her parents left and she easily came with." I was in shock. How could chase do this to me?!

"I'm surprised actually. I thought she would be more of a struggle. I just told you that so you would do it." Chase said. How dare he. I have grown up with this man. I have idolized him. He was actually a father figure to me since my own was never present!

All of a sudden tears started to pour out of my eyes. If I don't have the man that raised me who do I have?

"You have Carter, Blaire." My conscious said.

Well it doesn't look like he's here for me now. And besides were just friends. He's not going to ride in and save me. I'm not his princess he's not my hero and this is not a fairy tale.

As the bastard walked me out of the doors, that chase so politely held open for us, a red minivan pulled up. In the front seat there was a blonde. She had a short pixie cut and black eyes. Okay I guess they were blue but she was driving the car that was fucking taking me from my home. In my mind they were black so in this story they will be black. The lady was older than me but younger than chase. I'm guessing around thirty? She looked over to me and the bastard and winked. The back door slid open and the bastard pushed me in. He closed the door behind me and proceeded to walk around the van to get in the passenger seat.

I never got a good look of him until now. He had a buzzed hair cut, stubble all around the lower half of his face and dark brown eyes. He looked around forty and just had a natural mean look to him.

Why am I being stolen? Is it because my parents have money? Because I certainly don't think they'll buy me back. They'd rather use the money to throw a party that I'm gone.

"Why are you taking me?" I asked. By the way the bastard didn't throw me in a chair. I was lying face down on the carpeting in the van. I didn't really want to move in case it was the wrong thing to do and get my head torn off.

"SHUTUP." the lady shouted. The bastard got into the van and it started to pull away from my building.

"Get off of the ground stupid. There's seats for a reason." This voice I didn't recognize. It wasn't the lady or the bastard. I sat up and looked around the van. In the seats behind the ones I was supposed to sit in was a young boy. He looked 16 give or take a few years.

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