1~ Before

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This chapter is dedicated to glitterandgold because she is my favorite favorite favorite

I was sitting on my bed when I heard my mom call from downstairs. Ugh I hate the sound of her voice so much. She's just a rich snob and I can't stand her. Also I should inform you she's bipolar. But since my dad owns every book publishing company in the Chicagoland area she's a wealthy bitch and thinks she's Jesus fucking Christ. No she's not and she needs to fucking take her medicine.

Ha, well sorry about that rant but she needs to get her head out of her ass because it's not a hat. Oh how I love pitch perfect.

Anyway, I got up after having an inner argument with myself. She couldn't need anything important right? She's dumb.

I ran down the stairs in my Donatello slippers and my batman shirt. My pants weren't anything cool just some grey sweatpants. My hair was tied up in a loose bun. I wasn't going anywhere and no one was coming here why should I care what I look like right? Right.

So I got into the kitchen and the royal bitch was in a navy blue pencil skirt with a matching blazer. If I didn't know her I would've thought she was in her twenties. I guess all the plastic surgery she made my dad pay for worked and did its job.

"Blaire," she said blandly but in that motherly stern voice.

"Rebecca," I replied with as much sass I possessed. I then decided it would be wise to mirror her stance so I crossed my arms over my real boobs and popped my left hip out.

She raised her eyebrow at me. "Oh dear, aren't you witty? Stop being a little bitch and have some respect. Now, I called you down here to discuss the rest of the week. Me and your father will be traveling to Michigan to discuss a business deal with a couple publishing firms."

"Okay? Why do you think I care about what you and dad do? It's not like you care about me? So if this is all I'll be in my bedroom."

"By the way you should definitely change, you look like a homeless person threw up on you."

"I'm glad because I was playing dress up and my goal was you in the 60's," With that I earned a not-so-nice glare. I don't really care because I didn't say anything that mean. Once I said she's so plastic Dolly Parton looked normal standing next to her. I understand that's not too insulting either but my mother despises Dolly, she goes on and on about how she got into a fight with her in Highschool and ending up pantsing her in front of the senior class. Or there was a time I called her a gold digging bitch that should really keep her legs closed because they're not a door. I earned a nice high five to the face with that comment. Oh well she deserved it after the third guy she brought home for the week.

I sauntered out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I live in an apartment penthouse thing in Chicago. We have three floors total. I live on the third floor and half of the space is mine. The other half is just a living area. So basically what I'm getting at is I'm a little spoiled and the whole third floor is mine. I mean I don't really care if you think I'm a hypocrite because what am I supposed to do refuse the living space I was given? Yeah I think not, at least I still have my real face and boobs unlike the plastic downstairs.

I got to my room and Carter was up there. Carter is my best friend. He's two years older than me and works for my dad. He likes to stop by every once and a while and hang out with me. Okay I'm going to be 100% honest. Carter is a babe. He is super smart and nice. He has light brown hair and blue/green eyes. I know it sounds cliche but I don't control his genes. Plus I like to think most rich people are cute. I mean am I wrong or is that bitchy? Whoops. Oh and to make it clear, I'm not interested in Carter either, he's my best friend.

"Hey Blaire, did you just have a cat fight with the queen?" He asked with a big smirk on his face. "What did you call her this time?"

"I just said she looked like trash in the 60's."

"Wooooow. You called her ugly and old. Very impressive you learned how to do a two in one. I guess you're getting smarter and older. It actually won't be weird if we dated." With that he laughed and so did I. Everyone ships me and Carter. Yeah no. Best friends.

"Very funny Carter. Maybe once you drop some pounds you might be considered." I knew exactly what I was stepping into.

Carter then proceeded to lift his shirt to show off the perfect body. I enjoyed it. Okay just because we are best friends doesn't mean I don't like to see a nice body. He enjoys mine too. Let's be honest were both hormonal teenagers but we've never been passed second base. Whoops.

He grinned and creeped towards me. He wrapped his finely toned muscles around me and lifted me in the air. I giggled. Haha what a nice and cute scene right? Too bad I'm not a cutesy kind of girl and my giggles sound like whale noises and I make quadruple chins while laughing. Great use of imagery I know.


Carter left about an hour later. And now I am currently slouched on the couch deciding what tv series I should catch up on. Gossip Girl, American Horror Story, or Once Upon a Time? Ugh I don't really feel any of those. I turned off the tv and summer salted off the couch. My dad and the rich bitch left half an hour ago. Home alone. Great. Maybe I should go down stairs and see if Chase is working.

Chase is the doorman. Don't get any funny ideas either he's like 50 years old. He's also my best friend and has been working for our building since I was little.

I galloped through my house to get to the elevator. I hit the down button and waited patiently. As soon as I heard the ding I got happy but that was a terrible first emotion.

Right as the door opened a man in all black had a gun pointed towards me.

"Don't scream and just listen to what I say. If you don't this bullet is going straight through your skull." I nodded my head, eyes wide. I guess this is where I could put the simile like a dear caught in headlights. Yeah that's me but in like a human form. "Get in the fucking elevator bitch."

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