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I felt a warm presence next to me. I lazily opened my eyes to find my boyfriend, Aaron laying next to me. He had strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Good morning princess," Aaron said in his sexy, morning voice. My heart skipped a beat. I loved it when he called me princess. It made

Me feel special. Something I've never felt before.

I smiled in return and gave Aaron a peck on the cheek. I untangled my legs and arms from his and slowly got out of the nice, warm bed. I walked over to the window and opened the curtains. A beam of light shined through the window and Aaron had to squint. I looked over at the clock and it read 8:00. I had to get ready. Work started in 45 minutes and I could not be late again.

I work part-time for a diner. The remaining time I have is focused on my studies. Aaron works as a producer for a small time artist, hopefully becoming big soon, in LA.

Oh, you're probably wondering what happened on that one night where I was held at gunpoint. Whoops. Well I'll get to that later. For right now all you need to know is that I live in Los Angeles and couldn't be happier with my life. It's only been a year since that night so I am 19 now. Aaron is 20.

I dragged over to our closet and pulled out my white blouse and black dress pants. I tied my tangled hair into a bun. I probably just made my crows nest worse but that's a problem I'll have to deal with later. I'm too lazy to do it now.

"What time will you be coming home tonight?" Aaron asked me.

"Uh, I think I get out of psychology at 6 so about 15 after?"

"Alright good. I want to take you out and have an enjoyable night."

"Ugh. I'm sorry Aaron but it's a long day today and I don't know if I'll be up to it. Plus it's just about the same times tomorrow. I'll be too exhausted."

"You're always tired babe. When can we ever go out?"

"I promise I'll make it up to you. "

We continued our getting ready in silence. I felt bad for never being there for Aaron. He never tells me about his problems but I always rant to him about mine. I feel like this relationship is one way. I want to be there for him but I can't. Maybe next semester I'll take less classes.


At the diner I stand behind the counter and wait for the customers. We open at 9:00 and people flood in 15-30 minutes after.

I wipe down the counter and start up a conversation with our cook. His name is roger and he's 25 years old. I like to believe he is in love with me. I mean I'm hot. Haha just kidding guys. Roger shamelessly flirts with me but its all in good nature. I have a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend.

"I love it when you wear those pants. It makes your ass look extra perky." He claims.

"Too bad I can't even see the lower half of you through these damn walls."

"I just watch you walk along the booths all shift long. Man I love working here with you. Don't ever go," he laughed.

I just winked at him and started to tie my apron around my waist. I walked over to the door purposely switching harder than my usual jiggle walk. I heard Roger groan behind me. I grabbed the sign and switched it over so it read "open" to the outside world.

I took a quick peek out and saw joggers going by and people walking their dogs. How do people exercise this much and this early in the morning? Sometimes I wish I had the motivation like them. Good thing I was blessed with a fast metabolism.

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