7~Clearer Skies

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Carter used to say a very special thing to me whenever I got said or I was being negative. "Keep your head up because you get two more chins with your head down." Not very nice or anything but it made me laugh. And that's exactly what I need at this time. A laugh. I completely left the second best person I ever met in my life. I'm such an idiot. I always have to over complicate things and make them really dumb when they're really simple, and not dumb.

I don't even know where I'm going to go. It's not like I can go back to my apartment because the bastard is there and I don't really feel like talking to him anymore. Or see him. For all that I care he can go burn in hell. That little satan man. But enough about him I need to strategize. I can always go to work and see if I got fired. Yeah, that's what I'll do because I really need money. But I don't think I can go there in a bikini and shorts where "my ass hangs out". Well, since I have no money and no other clothes it looks like I have no option.

On the short car ride to the diner the best possible sing for my situation came on the radio.

"This is my fight song, take back my life song, prove that I'm alright sooooong. My powers turned on. Starting right now I'll be strong..."

I got so hyped and positive while hearing that song. You know what, just because I'm probably fired and I have no money does not mean my life is over. Hell no I'm not going down without out a fight.

Whoop whoop. "Seriously? What the actually living fucking hell bitch!" Yep, getting pulled over. Just what I needed to kill my vibe. WAY TO BURST MY BUBBLE YOU FILTHY PIG.

"License and registration please." A short woman with blonde hair tied back in a bun asked. Well, no hope flirting my way out of this one. I handed her my license then leaned over to the passenger seat and started to dig through my glove box. My registration and insurance is in here somewhere, right behind all of the McDonalds wrappers probably. "Miss?" She said with boredom.

"Hold on a sec, it's in here somewhere." I said while digging through everything. "Aha! I found it." I leaned back over to an upright position and handed the officer my insurance thing.

"Do you know why I pulled you over today miss?"

"Uhhhh, nope." I said while popping the p.

"You have an expired sticker on your plate."

"Oh crap, I'm sorry I'll head to the office right now to get a new one."

"Okay but I'm still going to have to give you a ticket. Hold on right here." She said while giving me back my stuff and walking to her car.

I sighed in frustration and closed my eyes. I really need to get my life together. Starting tomorrow I am going to work so I don't feel stressed and stupid and just uncomfortable all around. Breathe in, and out. In and out.

"Whew ok." The officer started walking back to my car and tapped on the window. I rerolled down my window and grabbed the ticket from her. "Have a nice day officer!"

"You too miss and get that sticker before another officer catches you and you get another ticket."

"Will do, and thanks." I rolled my eyes as she turned around and started my car up again. Well I can't go get a sticker when I have no money. The only thing I can do right now is head back to my apartment and pray that the bastard isn't there.


On the short trip to my apartment I got caught by every red light. Isn't that just the cherry on the the cake? I know it's just little things and it happens to everyone but, why now? Why does everything have to fall apart now? 24 hours ago my life was perfect, I had a job, a boyfriend who I thought loved me, a roof over my head, food in my plate, and I was going to school. My life was organized and finally going in the right direction. I hate how one stupid thing can lead to an epiphany of wrongs and regrets.

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