New Student

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Hi! This is my first miraculous/marvel fan fiction. Please don't curse or argue in the comments and enjoy the story!

                          Mari's POV

I open my eyes to see my kwamii, Tikki, hovering above me.

"Good morning Marinette." Tikki greets me.

"Good morning Tikki. Is something wrong?" I ask.

"No. I just noticed that you started to wake up and I wanted to congratulate you on finally waking up early! Congrats!" Tikki yells.

I'm about to tell her to quiet down so my parents don't hear, when I realize what she said.

"Wait, really?!" I look over at the clock and see that she was right! I woke up early for once! I can't believe it!

"Yes, and if you don't get ready soon it won't matter." Tikki giggles.

I pause for a moment before what she said registers. Then I jump up and get ready in a blur of movement.

I throw on my usual outfit, brush my teeth, pack my bag, etc.

"Mari, slow down! You'll trip and fall!" Tikki tells me.

"I'm not going to-" I'm rudely interrupted when I trip over my backpack.

Tikki starts laughing at my bad fortune and I glare at her.

"I'm sorry Mari. I know I shouldn't laugh, but I did tell you to slow down." Tikki apologizes. I glare harder at her.

"... School." Tikki reminds me.

"Crap!" I yell, jumping up and running around again.

~time skip~

"Bye Mama! Bye Papa!" I yell over my shoulder as I rush out the front door.

I run to my school, barely avoiding passing citizens on my way. I stop at the front of the school before climbing the steps.

Something seems different. Not in a bad way, just in a strange way.

I step into the classroom and go to my seat. I wait for a few minutes for Alya to come in. When she does walk in she looks at me with a shocked expression.

"Girl! You're early! I'm so proud of you!" Alya squeals as she sits down next to me.

"Yep! An akuma never came last night so I got extra sleep last night!" I inform her.

"You mean the normal amount of sleep?" Alya questions.

"So people usually feel this good? Or do they usually feel better?" I ask.

"No, we're usually all exhausted and dead by the end of the day." Alya explains.

I stare at Alya for a moment. Is she serious?

~time skip to when everyone's there~

"Class! Class! Today we have some very exciting news! We're getting a new student today!" Our teacher yells over the talking.

I turn my attention to the front of the room and notice a boy standing there. He has brown hair and eyes and is wearing a white shirt and light blue jeans.

"Hi. My names Peter. Peter Parker. I'm from Queens, New York City. I was told to tell everyone my favorite super hero, so my favorite super hero is- w-was Iron Man." The boy, Peter, tells us.

I notice a quiver in Peter's voice and my heart immediately fills with sadness for the boy. Iron Man was an amazing hero.

"You will be sitting in the back row Peter. Thank you for introducing yourself. Also, we have more great news! Lila is back from her trip to Enchantasia (Fairy Tale Reform School, Jen Calonita is awesome) to visit the king and queen!" Our teacher announces.

I roll my eyes. I actually know the king and queen there and they've never once met Lila.

"Hi everyone! I'm back! I missed you all so much!" Lila says in a fake cheerful voice, walking into the room.

Lila switches seats with me because she 'can't sit in the back' and Alya switches with Kim. Now I'm sitting in the back with Peter, Alya is sitting with Max, and Kim is sitting with Lila.

I look over at Peter.

"Hi! I'm Marinette! It's so nice to meet you!" I introduce myself.

"Hey." Peter says, giving me a small smile.

We spend the rest of class learning about chemical reactions, though Peter doesn't pay much attention. He can still answer every question the teacher asks! Somethings different about this boy. Something strange. Something secretive.

End of chapter!!! Yay!!!

710 words

Peter and Marinette meetWhere stories live. Discover now