Meeting Spider-Man

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Peter Parker didn't talk a lot. He just kind of sat there. Alone during lunch.

I looked over at him a few times before I decided to go over and talk to him.

"I'll be right back Alya." I say, standing and walking over to where Peter is.

Everyone else is talking to Lila and listening to her lies. I frown as I hear her say something about designing for Jagged Stone.

When I reach Peter's table I sit down next to him and I try to start a conversation.

"Hi! Do you know any of the superheroes here? Who's your favorite French superhero?" I ask.

"Umm, I've heard of Chat Noir and Ladybug but that's it. I guess I don't really have a favorite." Peter answers.

I smile. Most people would immediately say Ladybug, I'm glad that Chat Noir has some fans too.

"Who's your favorite hero from New York?" Peter asks.

I pause for a moment, going through names and people in my head.

"I'd have to say Spider-Man. He seems like the funniest one and from what I can tell, he's only a teenager, just like our heroes." I answer.

Peter starts blushing. What's that about?

"So, who's your favorite of your heroes?" Peter asks.

"I'd have to say Rena Rouge. She's a free spirit and she knows how to keep a secret." I answer.

Peter nods.

"I actually don't know Rena Rouge but she sounds like a great hero." Peter says.

"She is. Her boyfriend, Carapace, is probably my second favorite. He protects everyone to the best of his ability and he never gives up. Chat Noir and Ladybug are pretty great too, but I think the only reason people like them so much is because they're permanent miraculous holders, where their teammates only have their miraculous sometimes. Who's your second favorite American hero?" I ask.

"I'd have to say Doctor Strange. He has really cool powers. A friend of mine actually got to wear his ring once. It was pretty cool." Peter replies.

I nod. I've heard of Doctor Strange, and he sounds pretty cool. I've heard he has a really cool cloak that can do stuff on its own.

All of a sudden and alarm goes off! The akuma alert!

I jump out of my seat and run to the nearest closet, as everyone around me starts running for the exit.

"Tikki! Spots on!" I yell, transforming into Ladybug.

I open the closet door and step out. When I do I run right into Peter.

"Sorry! I didn't see you there. Do you need help?" I ask.

"No, I'm okay. It's okay. Oh hey, you're Ladybug, right?" Peter says.

"Yeah, that's me!" I say. I hold out my hand and Peter shakes my hand.

"I need to go. I'll see you around!" I say, throwing my yo-yo and flying through the air.

A few minutes later, I land in front of the akumatized victim.

"Ladybug! It's so good to finally meet you! My name is Author and I'm going to bring my favorite character from my book back to life!" They say.

"Really? You got akumatized because you were upset that a character died in your book?" Chat Noir asks, jumping off a roof and landing next to me.

"I can relate." I say, thinking back to my favorite book series. My favorite character didn't even make it through the first book.

"I'm guessing the akuma is in the book she's carrying." Chat Noir says.

I frown. If the akuma's in the book, that means we have to destroy the book!

"Hey, hope I'm not interrupting anything, but can you keep the noise down Author? It's really disrespectful to others." Someone says, landing on the other side of me.

I look over and see that it's THE SPIDER-MAN! OH MY GOODNESS!

"Hey wait a minute, you're that hero from New York! What are you doing in Paris?" Chat asks.

"I learned how to teleport. Now I can go wherever people need help." Spider-Man says.

"Thanks, but I think we've got this covered. Do you even know how to defeat an akuma?" Chat questions.

"I'm a fast learner. So we need to get the book?" Spider-Man says.

"Yeah. Then we destroy it and Bugaboo catches the akuma and fixes all the damage done." Chat explains.

I roll my eyes.

"I told you to stop calling me that!" I exclaim.

"Sorry Bugaboo." Chat smirks.

I roll my eyes again.

"Let's just get this over with, okay? Lucky charm!"

A pen falls into my hand. Great. What am I supposed to do with this?

I look around and see that Chat is arguing with Spider-Man.

This is going to be a long fight.

794 words

Peter and Marinette meetOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant