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"Miraculous ladybug!" I shout, throwing my lucky charm into the air after defeating the akuma. (Sorry, I'm bad at writing fight scenes.)

"Pound it!" Chat and I say, doing a fist bump.

Chat's ring is on the second to last paw print. My earring are on the second spot.

"You better get going Chat. I'll get Author back home." I say, walking over to the de-acumatized girl.

"Okay. Bye Bugaboo." Chat says, using his staff to jump away.

"Thank you for the help Spider-Man." I say as soon as Chat's gone.

Chat really doesn't seem to like Spider-Man very much.

"It was no problem. I'll get Author back home, you better go before you detransform." Spider-Man says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you! Have a nice day! Bug out!" I say, swinging away.

I reach my balcony and go into my room, quickly detransforming. I collapse on my bed immediately.

"Tikki. Help." I try to say. My pillow is muffling my words.

"What's wrong Marinette? You seemed to have a good day today." Tikki asks.

"Lila came back! Everyone's going to believe her over me again! I'll be an outcast! I'll probably get suspended! And Peter's going to believe the lies too and hate me! Or he won't believe the lies and then he'll hate me because Lila will start lying about him too! My life is over!" I panic, sitting up.

"Calm down Marinette! Peter won't hate you! Look on the bright side! You met Spider-Man today!" Tikki giggles.

"I did meet Spider-Man! He was so nice! Chat Noir didn't seem to like him very much though. It's probably nothing. Do you think Chat's jealous?" I ask.

"Maybe. Spider-Man's very famous. You also seem to like him very much. Though, a lot of people like Spider-Man. Maybe it's nothing." Tikki points out.

I frown, then climb down from my bed. I grab a sketchbook off my desk, then I start to walk to the park.

The rest of school was cancelled because of the attack, so I have more free time.

I sit down on a park bench and start drawing a dress inspired by the trees changing color. The dress is green at the top and near the middle there are swirl designs that lead to the dress changing to an orange color. It has long sleeves and the front ends just below the knee, the back ends halfway to the ankle.

"That's a really good design." A voice next to me says.

I jump and quickly turn to see Peter sitting on the bench next to me.

"Peter! When did you get here? You scared me! How are you so quiet?" I yell.

Peter flinches and I feel a little guilty. Maybe I shouldn't be so loud.

"Sorry! I didn't want to distract you from your drawing, which is very good by the way." Peter apologizes.

"Oh. Sorry I yelled. Thank you." I mumble starting to blush.

"You should sell that dress. You could get 50$ for that at least." Peter comments.

I don't know how to translate dollars to euros, I'm sorry.

"Oh! Um, I actually sell some of my dress designs online. I'm not sure if I could get 50$ though. Maybe 20$." I say, starting to fiddle with my pencil.

"Don't underestimate yourself. You're really good at designing. Can I see more of your sketches?" Peter asks.

"Oh! Um... sure!" I nod, handing him my sketchbook.

He takes it, smiling. He starts looking through my designs and one of the pages brings a brighter smile to his face. I look over his shoulder and see that it's the Spider-Man inspired dress.

He turns the page again and it looks like he's about to cry. It's the Iron Man themed dress.

Without thinking I place a hand on his shoulder. He looks over at me and I can tell he's slightly startled.

"You seem sad. Do you want to talk about it?" I ask.

Peter shakes his head.

"No. It's fine. Thank you though." He smiles gently.

I look at my watch and realize that I've been here for 2 hours!

"Crap! I'm sorry, I have to go! My parents wanted me home half an hour ago!" I start freaking out, quickly picking up my colored pencils and putting them in my bag.

Peter hands me my sketchbook and I smile gratefully at him.

"Have a nice day!" Peter calls as I start running back to my house.

"Thanks! You too!" I call back.

I finally get back home and my parents greet me warmly. I hug both of them and grab a macaroon.

I run up to my room and close the door and lock it. I installed a lock after becoming the guardian.

I climb into my bed and lay there for a moment.

"Are you alright Marinette?" Tikki asks after a minute.

"Yeah. I'm fine. You can come out now." I say, the last part directed at the other kwamiis in my room.

The kwamiis come out and crowd around me, each giving me tiny hugs.

"I'm going to go to sleep for a little bit. Be good." I instruct, pulling my blanket on top of me.

I see the kwamiis nod then I fall into a deep sleep.

890 words

Peter and Marinette meetWhere stories live. Discover now