Food Theft

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How do you give a miraculous to a boy you just met? I mean, it's not like I don't trust him, but it doesn't really seem like he would enjoy fighting very much. I'm also not sure how much he trusts me.

"You seem quiet today. Is something wrong?" Peter asks, sitting beside me at lunch.

"No. Everything's great. Just tired I guess." It wasn't a lie. I really was very, very tired.

"Girl. Did you hear what happened to Chat Noir? Why do you think it happened?" Alya asks, sitting down on the other side of me.

"I have heard what happened. I think that it must have been something extremely bad if Ladybug took his miraculous. What do you think he did?" I respond, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"I agree. I've heard what happened too, and from what I know, Chat Noir was extremely rude to Ladybug's friend. I don't blame Ladybug. I would be mad too." Peter says.

"Who told you all of that?" Alya asks, voicing the question that I was wondering as well.

"Would you believe me if I told you it was Spider-Man?" Peter asks, confusing me.

"You know Spider-Man?" I ask, opening a bag of chips.

"Can you get me an interview?" Alya asks at the same time.

Alya and I turn to look at each other. She raises an eyebrow at me and I shake my head at her while laughing.

"Spider-Man told me that he told you that he knew me." Peter states, stealing a chip from me.

I stare at him for a moment. Then I realize that he took my chip.

"Hey, wait! Give that back! You're a great friend, but we aren't at the food stealing stage yet!" I exclaim.

Just like that, the previous conversation is forgotten as we start a food stealing war between me, Alya, and Peter. I stole a pack of gummies from Alya and a macaroon from Peter. Peter stole another chip from me and a cookie from Alya. Alya stole some cheese and crackers from me and a slice of apple from Peter.


"Give it back!"

"You're cheating!"

All of these things were yelled multiple times, but we were all laughing.

Finally, Peter had enough. He stood from the table. At first I thought he was going to leave, so I was about to apologize, then he picked me up and started spinning around.

Alya's laughter was in the background, along with the usual sounds of the outdoors. I start laughing too, and after a moment, Peter stumbles and we both fall to the ground.

We sit there, just laughing. After a little while, Alya lies down in the grass as well, and we all say in the grass, laughing.

"Marinette!" Oh well. I knew it couldn't last.

"Yes Lila?" I ask, sitting up.

"Why did you tackle that poor guy? He didn't do anything to you. Is it because I was talking to him earlier? I'm so sorry!" Lila cries. Fake tears start pouring down her face. They're so obviously fake too. But almost everyone falls for it.

"I don't know where you got that idea from Lila. It's not like I dislike you or anything. And I didn't tackle him. We were just messing around. It's an easy mistake to make though." I reply through a fake smile.

"Well, as long as you aren't hurting anyone, I guess everything will be okay. Just please don't hurt anyone!" Lila exclaims, drying her tears.

"Of course not! Why would I have any reason to hurt Peter? He's one of my best friends after all." I say cheerfully. This fake smile is really hurting my face. When can I stop?

"Alright then. Well, have a good day Peter. Maybe you can help me with my homework later? You're so good at science." Lila suggests, looking over at Peter and smiling.

"He was actually going to come to my house later. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were planning on asking him over." I jump in. Peter sends me a thankful smile.

"Of course. Well, thanks anyway. I guess I'll see if Adrien can help me. Bye!" Lila says. I can tell that she's angry. She sends me a glare before walking off.

I stand up and brush off my pants.

"Well, that was fun. Anyone else have any other ideas of what to do next?" I ask, helping Alya to her feet.

"Maybe we should just eat. I lost like, half my food. It all fell on the ground. I was really looking forward to eating that macaroon." Peter says sadly as he stands up.

"That's probably a good idea." Alya laughs, sitting at the picnic table again.

I sit at the picnic table again too, then I pick up my sandwich and take a bite.

"If you lost too much food, we could stop by my parents bakery. I'm sure they'd be happy to make you some croissants." I suggest after I finish chewing.

"That sounds amazing. I've always wanted to try a croissant." Peter says, smiling at me.

"Great! Let's go then. Lunch will be over soon!" I exclaim, packing up my lunch and starting to run to my house. Peter and Alya follow.

I have some pretty great friends. Maybe Peter would like to get a miraculous. He seems like he'd make a great hero.

903 words

Peter and Marinette meetWhere stories live. Discover now