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Eric -

After I and Leah spent some time in the bedroom that morning I left her to rest. She needed it, we had many rounds together and I gave her my mark. Since I give her my mark it will take time for her to heal right being human now.

I have to be careful with her. Other than that I left the room so she can rest and I went to my office to change. Once done changing I get to my desk to start some paper work that needs to be done. In my mind I think about my oldest son, Aiden. That I need to keep him close to me so he can learn how to rule a pack as the alpha when I step down. He will have many things to learn from me.

Pushing that thought away for some time I keep myself busy. I work the whole day and when lunch came around I saw Leah at the table already eating her lunch. Walking up behind her kissing her on the lips. Loving it that I tower over her, it makes me feel more dominant, like I can keep her safe above anything. I take my seat at the table so I can eat my lunch before going back to work.

" Eric, since you will not let me have a job, I figure that I can help around the pack but I am not a Luna-". Leah started

Eric cut her off

" Leah, you are the Luna. It does not matter that don't have a wolf. You are the Luna." Eric said

" If you want to help around the pack I will not stop you. Just please be careful around here, okay". Eric said kissing the top of Leah's hand.

Both went on eating their food and had small conversations. Eric soon left to go back to work and Leah went back upstairs to change. She left the house to walk around the pack lands meeting the people inside the pack. Some she knew from the past and some she didn't but she put in the effort to get to know them. Most of them were nice to her but there was one person who stood out from the people. Someone she never wanted to see again. Her cousin Miranda. Seeing Miranda brought hurtful memories to Leah but Leah kept telling herself that was in the past and Eric is different. But Leah wondered why Miranda was here to being with? What does she want?

" So you have finally came around? Are you tired of being alone? Or did many men that you slept with get tired of you. I am not sure why you are here to begin with, I did those children around you. I know that you convinced Eric someway that they are his kids which I do not believe. Because you Leah are a whore" Miranda said

" Do not call the Luna that!" One members yelled out.

" Luna!?! As if!?! She is human!! She can never be the Luna! Because of you Eric left me when you ranaway!" Miranda yelled

Then Miranda was fuming, she charged towards Leah going to hit her but Leah hit Miranda first. Right in the face, Leah felt pain in her hand but she held it together. Leah bent down to look at Miranda in the eyes.

" I did not ran away, you know that. My parents threw me out. And for Eric he would have pushed you away no matter what because you are the whore not me. I have had sex with one man, who is the father to all of my children. You see Miranda, you are nothing special. Just a selfish, rude, whore of a person. And no one feels sorry for you. You always scream attention when you don't get it. I might be human but I am still Luna of this pack since I have fix the broke bond with Eric. As Luna, this is your only and last warning towards me nor any member of this pack that you will not step out of line." Leah said

Leah stood tall and she nodded towards everyone that listened to what she said. And everyone had astonishment in there eyes. Leah acted like a true Luna. Leah finished her tasks around the pack and she was going back to the house. When she got into the bathroom she took a look at her hand. Her hand was getting puffy and turning colors. She knew that her hand was in bad shape. But she felt proud in that moment the way she stood up to her cousin. Leah kept her hand under the sink with the cold water going. She was in the bathroom for a long time that she didn't even notice. The bathroom door opened up showing Eric.

His smile faded with he saw some sweat coming from her forehead and her hand in the sink. Something was wrong. He stepped closer to her.

" What in the hell happened?"

" Oh it's nothing. I punched my cousin, Miranda in the face. She said somethings that were uncalled for, so I punched her."

" Leah."  Eric slowly grabbed Leah's hand.

" First thing first your hand is broken. Let's go to the pack doctor. Second I am proud of you." Eric said kissing Leah's forehead.

Both went to the pack doctor and the doctor took X-rays of Leah's hand. Put in a cast, giving the medicine to Eric with detail's on when Leah should take the medicine.

While walking back Eric could not understand why Miranda was around to begin with. Over the years Miranda has tried to be with Eric but he was not feeling her. Everyone knew that she is loose kind of woman. There is nothing in the world that Miranda wants more, and that is to be Luna.

Eric and Leah were back in the house sitting in the living room waiting for the kids to come home which would be any minute now.

When the kids came home from school they saw their mother's hand.

" what happened to your hand" Landon asked with worry on his face.

" A long story. But it short I punch my cousin in the face."

All of the kids laughed.

" Mom is a badass" Alexander said

" Alright, all of you go off and to your homework. Which I am pretty sure that all of you have homework. So go get that done, then I will call you for dinner" Leah said.

All of the kids went off doing what their mother said. Eric was leading back on the couch just looking at his love being a mother. He pulled her closer to him kissing her lips. Both just relaxed on the couch for a few minutes until the clock hit 5:00 pm. Around 5:30 dinner was ready. All sat the dinner table taking about their day's. They are being a family. Ending a great day, Eric was holding Leah in his arms watching her sleep due to the medicine kicking in. He was about to close his eyes until his phone alerted him that he has a message.

Checking his phone he sees that it is his parents. Saying that they will be coming to the pack to meet their grandchildren. Eric was okay with that and he has a feeling that Leah would be okay with as long it is not her family. Eric put his phone down pulling Leah closer to him closing his eyes letting sleep take over.

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