VI. Eldarion - LOTR Fanfic [🇬🇧]

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Laatst bijgewerkt op: 4 januari 2019
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Eldarion walked outside. His father is died when he protect the city. His grandfather was right, his mother is really sad. His fathers name is Aragorn. His mother's Arwen. He is going to be king this week, but he doesn't know if he want too. He misses his father. He can't think about the kingdom, he is going to lose his father. He sighs and sees his mother walking through the woods. He walks to her.
'Mother, are you alright? ' he asks.
'Yes, my son. I'm okay. ' she says, but you can see the sadness in her eyes.
'He loves you, mom. ' he says.
'I know. ' She says and gives him a hugg.

Eldarion walked through the gate of the castle. It will be his castle soon. Well, he already lives there, but then.. Then it is really his castle, his own castle. He is a prince. The prince of Gondor. The name of his father is Aragorn, the king of Gondor. His father has fight courage while the last battle of Middle Earth. Against Sauron, the old right hand of Melkor.

He wants to be like his father. But how he can be like his father? There is peace now. Yes, it is good that there is peace. But I can't let them see he is like his father. His grandfather was right in the past. His mother can't without his father. He hopes she will keep a little happiness, because that is all she deserve.

He walks into the castle and goes to the bedroom of his parents. He looks at his father. For a few seconds I stared at the ground. He love his father. He don't want to lose him. He looks at his father again if he called his name.
'Hey dad. ' he says.
'Hey Eldarion, my son. ' Aragorn says.
You can hear that he is sick.
'Tell me, son. What's the matter? ' he says and look at me.
'Well, I want that the people love like they loved you. I don't know how to be a king like you, father. Are you sure I can do this, father? ' he says and looks worried at his father.
'You don't have to be like me. And I think you will do it fantastic and everyone will love you. ' his father says.
'But I want to be like you, father. You're my example. '
'Son, I'm dying. I can't be a king anymore now and the only one who can do it now is you. And I believe in you. ' Aragorn says.
He give his father a kiss on the head.
'Thank you, father. I will always remember you. ' he says.
'Your welcome, my dear son. '
He walks slowly away. He can hear the sickness in his voice. He sighs sadly. He has to do it. For his father. Because this is one of his last wishes...

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