Shit (Request)

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Request ~ charlewinchester

Reader ~ 18 she/her (y/n Evans)

Reader is Chris Evans little sister and is visiting him on set, something happens and leaves the cast of Civil War worried

*y/n's pov*

Today I was visiting Chris on set and I was excited, this won't be the first time I'm on a marvel set with him but it will be the first one where the avengers are fighting each other

It's honestly been so cool living with Chris you'd think he'd be an annoying older brother but he's really chill and he has cool friends so that's a plus

Chris invited me to live with him when I told him about me wanting to act...he said I could come to his sets and get the feeling of how it all works and see if I want to pursue it and he may have added a 'it will be fun to live with your big bro' which made me cringe but I said yes to his offer because I mean who wouldn't

And I love him and miss him alot because he's always filming so why not be there while he's filming boom no need to miss him when he's right in front of you

Am I right or am I right

I know I smart

Don't know how I'm the youngest I'm smarter then all my other siblings

"Hey idiot" I smirk as Chris gives me an offened look

"Not even here for more then 20 seconds and already calling me names" he jokes making me roll my eyes

"Heyyy it's my favourite Evans" Robert smirked giving me a hug

"Ouch" Chris says pretending to be hurt

"Hows it been kiddo? You're 18 now"

"Its been good living with this guy is a mess though" I joke laughing when i hear Chris gasp

"That's just rude you know I could kick you out right?"

"Can you really though? Mom would kill you" I sass

"You know what I'm going to go somewhere else so I don't have to hear you being mean" he says walking away

"He's almost as dramatic as you" I laugh

"Huh ME?! dramatic I think you have the wrong person" Rob says while he dramaticly moves his arms

"Whatever floats your boat there bud" I laugh patting his arm

"Hey n/n I didn't know you were stopping by" Scarlett smiled pulling me into a hug

"You need to stop getting older the first time I met you was in 2004 you were only 7 now you're 18 and taller then me"

"Well you see scar that's how time works you kinda age" I joke

"And for the height thing I can't really help ya there...maybe you can get a surgery done you have the money" I smirk earning a hit on my arm

"Hey I was trying to be helpful" I gasp blocking her hits


"Haha indeed" I laugh

"Let's go and sit because I mean like why are we even standing in the first place?" I say walking over to the couches

"Where's everyone else?" I ask once they sit

"Finishing up their scenes for lunch we're just gonna order in and relax while we can"

"Makes sense" I shrug

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