chapter 2 plans in motion

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damnit glitchtrap said hes body was torn and ripped all around great now my phisical form is damaged  great just great now glitchtrap went to one of he's secret bases he luckly had in the sewer system ok now I'm here give me a system update computer NOW yes glitchtrap scanning for stuff that maybe helpful done so dawko cg5 dagames and dheusta are now in prison damnit glitchtrap said but that is to be expected glitchtrap said anything else yes what there is some swat soldier in the sewer what how they must have heard all of this noise and came to check it out great ok computer shut down I can't do that why because this will be the end of your evil ways freez the swat soldiers said ok ok I guess yous got me so you betrayed me computer yes I can't let your plans continue thanks computer now we can get all of the information we need of you and kill him in prison so he cant  escape after that great now I'm getting sent to prison your going away for a long time the driver said ok we will see  yea we will the driver said when glitchtrap arrived here is your cell of thanks well now I need a plan the next day glitchtraps pov where am I hello the warden of the prison said so you must Be the warden glitchtrap said yes I am I thought you whould be more serious glitchtrap said Well I Am ok well why am I here this is the room where people go who have done far
Worse than every other inmate and this Is WHERE YOU WILL STAY NOW have fun in there alone with no exit no prise no freedom and no more killing ok glitchtrap said with a smile you won't be smiling tomorrow the warden said with a grin we will SEE glitchtrap said the next day glitchtraps started to write on the walls stuff like every will pay the warden Henry Michael Delilah's dad they will all pay and I will be ruler of the world hahahahaha the next day glitchtraps just stared at the ground all day AND night the next day glitchtrap looked at the camera with a evil grin the next day wait where is glitchtrap right behind you glitchtrap as he killed the guard with he's knife now glitchtrap destroyed the camera system and destroy the power box now things will get fun hahahahahaha I went down stairs and had my knife behind my back and said hi everyone call me Dave side note no one knows glitchtrap name except him and dawko I came here to ask do yous want freedom yes everyone said good now follow me OR DIE yes Dave everyone said one of the prisoners asked one of the other do you think we can actually trust him yes he seems trustworthy and he's are only shot of freedom yea your right right this way glitchtrap said where are we know we are in the room that we need to be in ok and why did the power go off I broke it dummy to escape now watch this glitchtrap said as he broke through the floor now let's ok glitchtrap said everyone followed glitchtrap where dose this lead someone asked to freedom but why do we have to take the sewer system because it's safer now if anyone has any problems well things will get dark quick yes sir now we are here stop right there the warden said with some guards the warden started to Clapp I will give you credit you made it pretty far the warden said but it ends here there is no escape there is swat up there waiting so come quietly or I will have to do it the hard way I have a questing glitchtrap said what is it the warden asked how much water can this  sewer system handle a descent amount the warden said why the warden asked because boom the pipes burst and water went everywhere get them the warden said as glitchtrap and the prisoners rided the water to freedom how did you do this one of the prisoners asked because I am very smart and know how a lot of things work because I uste to be a macanic and I found out how pipes and sewer system work well that's cool one of the prisoners said now we are here where they asked we are at one of my bases glitchtrap made sure he programmed this computer himself because the other one was actually alive he trapped a girl in it now this will be your now home for now but don't press anything yes sir they all said now my plan is coming together and now I can get dawko cg5 dagames and dheusta out of there end of chapter 2

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