chapter 4 things not going as planned part 2

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glitchtrap pov now my plans are almost complete hahahahaha they will. All see why to not mess with me soon even stupid Henry he really thought he chould kill me that day no he couldn't and now he's dead I thought at least my old friend and partner whould be more smart well I will give him credit he did try at least and if I was anyone else I probaly whould have died that day and I also will make you pay Cassidy but you do have a good reason to hate me for you know killing you but when my plans are complete noting will stand I said as I look at a ancient sand wall that shows 4 elimental monsters destroying stuff and on the other wall it Sayed something I couldn't read untill I used my glitch powers to make it into words I chould understand it it Sayed bewere of the elimental monsters they are to dangerous to control after reading that I decided to go deeper in to this ancient temple but didn't find anything so I left and went back to my base ok everyone my plans are almost complete yes boss follow me yes boss I showed them my plans wow this is a good plan I know follow me dawko yes master ok dawko i need you to go live on your YouTube channel why dawko asked because I can then take control of them yes boss dawkos pov I went to my home I can't yet glitchtrap win argh but I luckly have control again I chould hear my self and glitchtrap but luckly I have a purple eye contact that I can use to make him think I am in he's control I went live hello everyone dawko here today I'm not going to play anything because I'm going on vacation because I haven't had one in a while so yea also I have hidden a secret code in the comment of the video I will upload this to YouTube so everyone can see it bye everyone done I uploaded it everyone pov dawko is action werid yea when he usually dose go live it's usually a stream not a short or something yea I hope he's doing alright yea let's figure out the code dawkos pov b b boss what are you doing here why didn't you do it glitchtrap asked I can't why glitchtrap asked because it whould be suspicious if all of my viewers just got hypnotised after watching me right actual you do have a point people whould get suspicious and people whould not trust you anymore ok since you do have a point thank you boss ok I need you to go to fazbear entertainment and give me access to there systems yes boss good go now ok boss I thought dawko was betraying me or not under my control now but maybe not because he dose have a point a very big point dawkos pov I got to fazbear hey dawko how have you been where have you been I have been sick so I couldn't test fnaf vr help whanted sorry it's ok who took my place Vanessa oh ok is she doing a good job yes she is well that's good yea I know so dawko what are you doing back here anyway I came back to see how everything is going and to get my pay check I didn't collect last time oh ok we'll go left up and right there should be your locker with the pay check and everything else thanks boss it's ok after I went to my locker I found my paycheck and my keycard I used my keycard to give me access to the underground parts where I chould give glitchtrap access to the system I waited there for glitchtrap to show up dawko what are you waiting for glitchtrap asked me I said I'm not giving you access why you are my puppet glitchtrap said I said because I can't let your evil plans continue well if you whant to stop me then let's fight. Glitchtrap said as he grabbed his knife well then let's I said as I also grabbed my knife glitchtrap charged at me with his knife he slashed it at me but I quickly blocked it with my knife. I teleported behind glitchtrap to stab him but he put his corruption all into his knife and charged at me again to slash me but I dodged it. I used the powers that I got from glitchtrap taking control of me for a long period of time to make a Lazerbeem that I shot at glitchtrap. He quickly dodged it and said this is getting boring and ripped half of his face apart to reveal his corrupted face. He laughed evilly as he appeared behind me and used his corruption power to create crawls that he stabbed into me ahhhh I screamed see dawko he said evilly I still have one trick I said as I used my powers to teleport behind glitchtrap and pulled the plushie of himself out. I used my powers to pull him into the plushie noooooo he said as he got sucked in I went and got a hard drive and I put glitchtrap in it and scanned it into fnaf VR help wanted I then left side note so In this au dawko works in fazbear entertainment and played the VR game before Vanessa in this au and sorry that this is shorter then usual

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