chapter 6 Glitched Part 1

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Vanny pov where are you kid you know you can't hide from me right I'm your friend what you saw was only fake they are not dead plz come out I have cake for you I promise you I'm telling the truth little one little girls pov I need to stay hidden I don't trust her. Wait there is a daycare this is the perfect place to hide from her I go into the daycare with my daycare pass, ok I'm in the daycare I hide under the stares Vanny pov kid where are you I promise I'm only here to keep you say oh she must have gone into the daycare where are you I say as I walk down the stairs come out kid your only making this harder on your self little girls pov no she's in the daycare I need to not make noise I whisper as I cover my mouth where are you kid I have candy for you so plz come out. 5 minutes later hmm, they are probably not here I have searched everywhere damnit master will not be happy if I don't find this kid ok I will look elsewhere because maybe they snuck behind me I walk out the gate and go look somewhere else little girls pov yes she's gone I'm safe for now which is good I decide to go towards sun hi sun I say. Hi what's your name sunshine sun asks me I'm Sarah I say that is a wonderful name so why are you here so late at night I got lost and then the doors closed so I got stuck here and I found a room where mm my friends were dead I say as I start crying hey hey don't cry I'm sure it was a prank or maybe they aren't dead and it just looked like it. Maybe you are right sun thanks for cheering me up but can you come with me to see if they are dead sure sunshine I will come with you anything to make you happy thanks sun you are the best aww thanks sunshine now let's go. Sun says. moon yes sun can I dim the lights so we can be separate sure why because there is a little girl here and she's stuck here because the doors closed and I want to help them get out of here. ok, dim the lights. I dim the lights in the whole pizzaplex so we are separate so we can help them. so this is the kid correct yes it is hi starlight. hi the girl says so you are trapped here yes I am and a mysterious rabbit lady is chasing me and I don't trust them

ok we will help you thanks it's no problem moon says. I will scout the area from the vents and the ceiling and you and sun find a way out of here ok Sarah says by the way moon says what is your name starlight? it's Sarah. Ok, starlight well you and sun should be off now. Ok bye, moon. Bye. we leave the daycare and find some security bots security bots can you guys leave this area I've got this area covered. ok, the bots say and they go away few I say that was a good idea sun thanks. Now let's continue we make it to the entrance and the sun tries to tap into the system to open it but it doesn't work what why isn't it working I don't know I say well I guess we need to find a different way out then sun says yeah we should then. We go into the utility tunnels and my vision starts to glitch argh what is happening with my vision I say. What do you mean sun asks I mean my vision is glitching. I then see the rabbit lady we need to run quickly I say the rabbit lady is here. we quickly run away with the rabbit lady skipping behind us we go around a couple of corners and lose her. few I say we lost her yeah sun says. We hear the rabbit lady talk and she says where are you little girl you can trust me I'm only here to help. Sun asks if I'm sure she is bad yes I'm sure we shouldn't take the risk I say ok sun says.

A couple of minutes later we see an endo in the utility tunnels what is that I say uhh I think it might be an endo maybe ok so what do we do to protect ourselves from it uhh just keep looking at it ok we keep looking at it and get past it yes we got past I say looking away and when we do it moves closer we find a metal door and close it trapping the endo skeleton back there few do you know how to get to the fire escape yes I do but we need to get out of the sewer area first ok I say. We then see an army of nightmare staff bots. What are those I say I don't know they look like staff bots but evil or something sun says ok? We then see the rabbit lady. Hahahahahahahaha she laughs you guys fell right into my trap get them she says to the staff bots and they start coming after us so we run away escaping the bots and start to hide under the stairs well as the staff bots pass by few I say to sun yeah I know what has she done to the staff bots and what is her plan I ask I don't know sadly sunshine. Well, we need to stop her and get me out of here yeah. We do need to stop her she doesn't seem nice not at all. Well let's go upstairs now yeah we go upstairs and make it to the surface and main lobby but then on the intercom, we hear the rabbit lady speaks and says find Sarah and bring her to me in a glitchy voice and disassemble sun the staff bots then start chasing us we run away

but the staff bots catch sun and start to disassemble sun no I say. I grab a poll and smash the staff bots so they can't disassemble sun quick get up sun I say as I see the rabbit lady we run away to the main atrium. and see staff bots that try to attack sun but I destroy them this is very scary right sun yeah it definitely is and thanks for saving me back there no problem I say that's what friends are for right? Yeah yeah, it is.

then out of the blue, a spotlight turns on us what I say there over here we then hear monty say then we see Roxy jump down alone with monty

run Sarah no I'm not going to run mister sun I say you need to run it's not save I will hold them off no sun I can help you have helped enough Sarah now run my little sunshine he says that as the rabbit lady jumps down I then run away. And I hear sun get torn apart I keep running and find a hiding spot and cry moons pov sun where are you moon I find sun torn apart and broken sun NOOO brother argh you will pay rabbit lady you will PAY I say incredibly angry and sad. I then hear Sarah crying and sobbing Sarah are you ok no I'm not sun is dead.

she then starts crying and sobbing more it's ok starlight I'm here for you I will help you get out of this place and I'm. sure the technicians will fix sun after all he's the main person of the daycare and. we can get revenge on this evil rabbit lady if you want yes I do want that and so they can't hurt anyone else because they probably will yeah I agree. Moon says now let's go to the fire exit and try to stop this rabbit lady for sun for sun moon says with me. We keep moving and make it to rockstar Roy and Roxy starts chasing us so moon and I end up running away and we find a security office.

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